The racecourse’s pump system needed to deliver a constant pressure and supply. It also had to be able to meet the substantial difference in requirements on race days and non-race days. To achieve this, Dutypoint designed a three-pump booster set with an associated break tank. The unique system incorporated the ability to remotely vary the amount of water stored. This would allow more storage on high-demand race days and minimal water storage on non-race days.
With space at a premium, the package supplied incorporated an ultra-compact VR three-pump booster set, pressurisation units, pressure vessels and a break tank, and all of these were covered by the commissioning service offered by Dutypoint. The benefit of such a service ensures that all components of the system have been correctly installed and are operating at their optimum efficiency. Tom Burke, Key Account Manager at Dutypoint, explains the selection and installation process and why the bespoke VR booster set was the ideal solution for such a complex scenario:
“The consultant tasked with the project was keen to ensure that the system installed would be able to deliver at varying demands. A low level of storage and demand is required on non-race days, but the increase required for race days and other events is significant.
By designing a tank with booster controls that can be linked to the Building Management System, tank storage levels could be pre-determined to switch between low level and maximum storage in the system to meet the peak demand on race days, whilst maintaining lower levels of storage at other times.”
Dutypoint places great importance on establishing and maintaining good relationships with project teams and, as part of this commitment, offers a highly trained technical support service staffed by experienced and knowledgeable advisors who are on-hand to offer support and assistance at every stage of the process. Due to the bespoke nature of the product, members of the technical team attended the grandstand site on a frequent basis to assist with the set up and commissioning of the system.
Dutypoint understands the demands on project managers on site; coordinating multiple teams working on a complex site such as Cheltenham Racecourse is a significant challenge.
As such, the Dutypoint team also sought to ensure equipment was delivered only when required and not weeks ahead of schedule. This helped to maintain the smooth running of the project without delays and minimised the risk of damage to expensive equipment stored on a busy site.