Ansty Technology Park

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 26 July 2022

Industry-leading pump technology for brand-new tech park.

Pump stations built and supplied for any site specification.


Industry sector Commercial

Project type New build

Client McLaren Construction

Product supplied
Foul water & stormwater pumping stations


Ansty Park is one of the most accessible business technology parks in the UK. It’s the new home for technology and innovation at the heart of the UK’s key transport hub with six motorway junctions within a 20-mile radius.

Dutypoint was approached by the civil consultant on the project to design and supply two pumping stations for the 1.5 million sq ft technology park: one foul water and one stormwater.


The Ansty Park master plan has always reflected a landscape-driven approach, but the layout of the site presented some challenges for specification and installation.

Due to the site’s layout, the inlets of the foul water and stormwater pumping station were very deep. The groundwater was notably high. To add to the challenge, Dutypoint was approached late on in the project and construction was already progressing quickly.

Fortunately for the contractor and project, the expert knowledge of our team and our in-house manufacturing capabilities helped ensure we could keep fluid management on track with two complete pump station solutions.


Dutypoint supplied a package kit of pumping station equipment, consisting of components typically installed in a package pump chamber. Dutypoint engineers then installed this equipment into pre-cast concrete chambers installed by the groundwork contractor.

Both pumping stations contain twin pumps on a pedestal mounted on a stainless steel pre-formed concrete chamber install. The guide rails will support safe and efficient maintenance. All parts, from the PVC pipework to the gate valves, are designed for long-term, reliable performance that will support the demands of the park.

Products used

  • Stormwater Pump Station
  • Foul Water Pump Station
Pre formed concrete chamber