Understanding Fire Hazards and Fire Safety in Residential Care Homes

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 3 July 2024
Fire safety in care homes

Why is Fire Safety Important in Residential Care Homes?

Fire safety is one of the most important aspects of any enterprise, but residential care homes present unique challenges which must be considered. Care homes provide a place of community, safety and security to some of the most vulnerable members of our society. Many residential care homes are repurposed from older, historical buildings, which were not built to withstand or prevent the rapid spread of fire. Residents themselves often live with accessibility barriers, from mobility issues, to poor vision and hearing, leaving them highly dependent on efficient fire safety measures to protect them in an emergency.

Without the appropriate precautions, the lives of residents are put at risk. In an emergency, fire safety precautions, such as sprinkler systems, can buy precious time to safely evacuate residents. Furthermore, a sprinkler system can drastically reduce damage to personal items and property, saving money and reducing emotional distress. Hence, it is imperative that a care home has watertight fire safety procedures, as well as reliable equipment that meets the latest fire safety legislation. Understandably, failing to meet the appropriate fire regulations can result in fines from governing bodies.

What are the Most Common Fire Hazards in Residential Care Homes?

Residential care homes present a number of distinctive fire hazards:

Kitchens – According to the London Fire Brigade, ‘cooking and cookers’ are responsible for 41% of fires in residential homes, and a further 21% of fires are caused by other kitchen appliances. Kitchen fires can be started or exacerbated by faulty electrical or gas appliances, combustibles such as old cooking oil or build up of grease in extraction fan units.

Electrical Equipment – Residential care homes house a large amount of electrical equipment from specialised care equipment to maintenance appliances. Overloaded plugs, exposed wires and faulty equipment can result in overheating or arcing events. This poses a major fire hazard, especially when in close contact with other combustibles, such as paperwork or oxygen tanks.

Mobility Scooters – One major example of hazardous electrical equipment in care homes are mobility scooters. Mobility scooters contain highly flammable lithium batteries, which can burn extremely hot and produce large amounts of smoke once ignited. Further to this, mobility scooters can also cause serious obstructions to escape routes during a fire. Scooters should be charged and stored in a separate room, ideally with a fire safety door and appropriate fire detection.

Smoking – Another common fire hazard in residential care homes, 13% of fires have been found to be related to smoking. Residents, unaware of the hazard, may light and improperly dispose of cigarettes resulting in a fire. Banning smoking in rooms, or only allowing smoking with supervision by a care assistant can reduce the likelihood of a smoking-related fire.

Improper Practice – A common but dangerous example of improper practice in residential care homes is wedging open fire safety doors. Fire-safety doors are sometimes wedged open by residents or carers, voiding their ability to slow down the spread of fire, toxic fumes and smoke. Where it benefits residents to have doors open, automated fire door retainers should be fitted so the door can still close in an emergency. Ensuring staff understand and adhere to proper fire-safety regulations is necessary to save lives and reduce damage to property.

How Can Dutypoint’s Sprinkler Systems Protect Residential Care Homes?

Sprinklers are especially effective at controlling the early-spread of fire, providing valuable extra time for safe evacuations. In a survey regarding fire-safety in residential care-homes, the Chief Fire Officer Association calculated that appropriately fitted sprinklers could reduce potential deaths by 41%, injuries by 12% and property damage by 94%.

However, to provide effective fire-protection, sprinkler systems must comply with the BS 9251:2021 guidelines which ensure the highest standard of installations and maintenance. At Dutypoint, our expert in-house team have designed our intelligent fire sprinkler systems to meet the latest BS 9251:2021 guidelines. This includes our ResiSHIELD Fire Sprinkler Pump range, designed to provide instant response and fail-safe continuous pressure to your fire sprinkler systems. To ensure that power to the sprinkler system remains uninterrupted, we have also created the ResiPOWER range of online UPS systems and battery banks.

Not only are our products designed to meet the latest safety regulations, but Dutypoint is highly experienced in manufacturing pump solutions for the care home industry. From new care homes under construction, to period buildings requiring innovative pump solutions – our experts are ready to collaborate with you to find the perfect pump solution tailored to your needs.

If you are currently developing or refurbishing a residential care home, and require specialist advice on the appropriate fire-safety sprinkler systems, get in touch with our expert team today.

Introducing the EPD-certified ScubaTANK®: What this Means and Its Benefits

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 12 June 2024
Environmental Product Decleration

Although it may seem like environmentalism and sustainability have exploded in recent times, in fact, it’s nothing new. The concept of sustainability was first embraced in 1972 as a vision recognising the interconnectedness of social, economic and environmental issues.

In 1987, The World Commission on Environment and Development published Our Common Future, sometimes known as The Brundtland Report, through the Oxford University Press. This publication stressed that development meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs.

The pursuit of sustainability is a balancing act. It requires navigating policy, strategy, programming, and project implementation as a single issue while demanding changes to stakeholders’ mindsets, attitudes, and behaviours.

This is something that Dutypoint has achieved. We are committed to developing products that embrace sustainability and enrich everyone’s future and a prime example of this is our market-leading EPD-certified ScubaTANK®.

Let’s have a look at EPDs, LCAs, and our market-leading EPD ScubaTANK® in a little more detail.

EPDs Explained

Environmental Product declarations, or EPDs, are Type III declarations which are recognised as the standard baseline for environmental product comparison, sharing objective, transparent information about product’s carbon footprints, water footprints, and energy consumption.

Valid for five years after being awarded, EPDs showcase a manufacturer’s commitment to measuring and reducing the environmental impact of their products and services, helping consumers to make informed decisions about the products they buy.

Upon completion, the assessment is used to calculate an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) in line with EN 15804 + A2, with both EPD and LCA being verified against strict, independent protocols.

EPDs and LCAs

Although EPDs are built around lifecycle assessment practice and methodology (LCA), their scope extends well beyond lifecycle assessment. Why? They must factor in any additional requirements from EN 15804 and other related standards and frameworks.

There are several types of EPDs that cover the different lifecycle product stages. They are defined as follows:

Cradle-to-gate EPD which focuses solely on the manufacturing process and material harvesting and features a minimal amount of lifecycle assessment data.

Cradle-to-grave EPD which covers the entire product lifecycle, specifically covering its maintenance and end-of-life. Anyone wishing to create a product EPD or utilise a manufacturer’s EPD should choose cradle-to-grave EPD.

Cradle-to-grave EPD with options which include the minimum requirements that are present in the cradle-to-gate option with several additional modules from cradle-to-grave EPD variations.

The Differences Between EPDs and LCAs

LCA (life cycle assessment) reports are one of the most common methodologies for quantifying sustainability. They provide a systematic analysis of environmental impact throughout the whole product, material, or process lifecycle. LCA models the environmental implications of industrial production. An accurate, comprehensive LCA provides valuable, sustainable data that decision-makers can use to support sustainability initiatives.

EPDs, or Environmental Product Declarations are typically shorter, simpler, verified environmental documentation used by organisations for in-house and external communications. They do not contain any sensitive company details or product information, like manufacturing processes.

The Commercial Benefits of EPDs

Within the construction industry, EPDs support carbon emission reduction by promoting comparative analysis of different materials and products. This allows decision-makers to select the most sustainable option for their projects while optimising product impact and showcasing transparency.

A voluntary Environmental Product Declaration is both internationally recognised and demonstrates a business’ commitment to environmental sustainability. Moreover, EPD-certified products benefit businesses in several different ways. These include:

  • Market regulation: using or creating EPDs for a product or project
  • Regulation and legal requirements: all public procurement bodies in the EU and EEA are required to use EPDs to assess a product’s environmental footprint
  • Credits and certification: LCA credits are cost-efficient and easy to compare other credits’ requirements for your building’s certifications, and EPDs are also recognised by market-based systems

Let’s review the features and performance of our EPD-certified ScubaTANK®, including its key improvements, to demonstrate how it can comply with relevant EPAs.

The EPD-certified ScubaTANK®

Our innovative, sustainable, EPD-certified all-in-one tank and booster set, ScubaTANK®, features multi-stage submersible pumps, an inverter-driven smart tank level control system, and a common volt fault-free contact as standard.

The unit also includes isolation and non-return valves, pressure vessel, and a high flow failsafe close monitored inlet ball valve. These, plus many other features, make it ideal for both residential and commercial application.

More notably, the all-in-one tank and booster set that delivers maximum results with minimum hassle and is the first combined tank and booster set on the market to feature an EPD certification, EN 15804 + A2/ ISO 21930.


Key Improvements to the ScubaTANK®

Our EPD-certified ScubaTANK® features several key improvements. These include:

  • Increased tank inflow rate so a higher flow can be achieved
  • Smart remote monitoring to predict failures before they arise
  • Electronically adjustable tank fill levels fitted as standard
  • Improved electrical design for less downtime in the event of a failure
  • Improved control bracket design for easier access to critical components
  • High level alarm included as part of a common fault
  • Manufactured to meet Environmental Product Declarations


The Sustainability Benefits of our EPD-certified ScubaTANK®

Our EPD-certified ScubaTANK® is the leading all-in-one tank and booster set. Below are the sustainability benefits you’ll reap when installing the system.

  • ScubaTANK® promotes energy efficiency, whilst reducing your carbon footprint. Its variable-speed pumps ensure a low level of energy consumption. Additionally, the unit will power down when not in use and only use the minimal energy to satisfy demand.
  • Designed as one complete packaged system for a tank and booster set, our ScubaTANK® is delivered to site as an individual unit that is ready-to-install, without additional packaging to maximise sustainability.
  • The improved electrical design results in reduced downtime in the event of system malfunction or failure. This can lead to less overall runoff pollution and habitat degradation.
  • All ScubaTANK® parts are manufactured to the highest quality and are WRAS-approved. This promotes system durability and longevity, complying with the highest standards of UK water regulations for maximum water efficiency.
  • As a British manufacturer, Dutypoint promotes transparent product traceability across its entire range, including ScubaTANK®, therefore customers can be assured of superior efficiency, longevity, durability, and finesse.


EPDs and Our Future

Environment Product Declarations (EPDs) will play a pivotal role as we strive towards a sustainable, eco-friendly future whilst continuing to leverage high-performing products.

By providing transparency and comparability while encouraging sustainable choices, EPDs help people make better, eco-friendly decisions about the type of products they use. This is exactly why Dutypoint has developed the market-first EPD-accredited ScubaTANK® all-in-one tank and booster set.

To learn more about EPDs or browse our selection of sustainable products like Dutypoint’s EPD combined tank and cold-water booster ScubaTANK®, get in touch with Dutypoint today.

A guide to BS 9251 guidelines and how to comply with the BS 9251:2021 changes

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 23 April 2024
BS 9251:2021 guidelines

What are BS 9251 guidelines?

BS 9251:2021 guidelines provide a code of practice for fire sprinkler systems in domestic and residential buildings. They cover the design, installation, and maintenance of sprinkler systems in buildings of any height.

Compliance with the BS 9251:2021 guidelines is essential to ensure that fire sprinkler systems are installed and maintained to the highest standards, providing effective fire protection.

Building owners and managers can comply with the guidelines by reviewing them to ensure their sprinkler systems meet the requirements and by working with relevant experts and authorities to ensure compliance.

What is the BS 9251:2021 standard?

On June 30th 2021, BS 9251:2021 came into effect and superseded the previous BS 9251 2014 fire sprinkler guidelines. BS 9251:2021 specifies the design, installation, components, water supplies and backflow protection, commissioning, maintenance, and testing of fire sprinkler systems installed for life safety purposes in residential and domestic premises.

The new standard contained quite a few significant changes, with one of the biggest being the introduction of a new category of sprinkler system, category 4. Category 4 applies to residential and domestic buildings over 18 m in height.

Overview of the categories:

Category 1: Typically a domestic dwelling for a single family. Calculations must allow for 1 or 2 sprinkler heads, with an average flow of 60-100 litres/minute, storage for 10 minutes supply and a tank size of 1 m³ to 1.5 m³.

Category 2: Typically, a block of flats below 18 m in height. Calculations must allow for 1 or 2 sprinkler heads operating, with an average flow of 60-120 litres/minute, storage for 30 minutes supply and a tank size of 2 m³ to 6 m³.

Category 3: Typically a residential Care Home. Calculations must allow for up to 2 or 4 sprinkler heads operating with an average flow of 200 litres/minute upwards, storage for 30 minutes supply and a tank size 2 m³ to 15 m³ but dependant on design.

Category 4: Typically a block of flats 18 m and above. Calculations must allow for up to 2 or 4 sprinkler heads operating, with an average flow of 200 litres/minute, storage for 60 minutes supply, split tank size 6 m³ to 9 m³ (2 x tanks required) but dependant on design.

How do I comply with the BS 9251:2021 changes?

Sprinkler systems falling under this category must be equipped with a backup power source and automatic switchover capability. This entails having two power supply sources: a mains power connection serving as the primary source, and an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) serving as the secondary source. An automatic transfer switch should be in place to seamlessly shift the load from the mains to the UPS in the event of a mains power failure while the sprinkler system is operational.

Given that backup power supplies, such as UPS systems, are already mandated for other life safety systems with specified autonomy and runtime recommendations (including alarm systems, extinguishing systems and emergency and exit lighting), it was inevitable for BS 9251 to have these added as part of their revisions; incorporating more strict safety guidelines for sprinkler systems as well.

Following the Grenfell tragedy in 2017, significant resources were allocated to enhance the safety of occupants and visitors in high-rise buildings. Whilst the amendment to BS 9251 regulations refers to new constructions, it is highly advisable for existing buildings to consider updating their sprinkler systems to enhance the safety of their residents and visitors.

BS 9251:2021 Compliance with Dutypoint

If you are developing or refurbishing a residential building 18 m or more in height, it is likely that you fall within the remit of Category 4, and our expert engineers are here to help you find the right system.

All of our Dutypoint ResiSHIELD fire sprinkler pumps provide an instant response, intelligent system, designed specifically to meet the revised BS 9251: 2021 regulations and provide fail-safe continuous pressure to your fire sprinkler systems.

We also have ResiPOWER, our UPS system, which works alongside our ResiSHIELD range. ResiPOWER is an Uninterruptible Power Supply for fire sprinklers, which has a compact, modular design, a high overload capacity and a purpose-designed range of water ingress protection enclosures.

Learn more about the ResiSHIELD and ResiPOWER ranges today.

What does WRAS mean, and how do you get WRAS approval?

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 26 February 2024
WRAS Approval: What does WRAS mean?

WRAS is an acronym for Water Regulations Advisory Scheme and determines whether or not a product complies with the high standards set out by water regulations. Even though Water Companies were officially established in 2008, they have been assisting individuals and organisations for more than a century in complying with bylaws and water fittings regulations.

A product made from unsuitable materials can contaminate drinking water with dissolved metals or encourage the growth of bacteria, which can cause unpleasant tastes and odours, potentially causing ill health. Products that are found to contaminate water and do not comply with water supply regulations would not be legal to install. WRAS approval allows the installation of products that carry or receive water from the public mains water supply in the UK to fully comply with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations and Scottish Byelaws.


The role of the Water Regulations Advisory Scheme is to assist in the protection of public health by preventing contamination of public water supplies, whilst also fostering the efficient use of water by promoting and facilitating compliance with the Water Supply Regulations*. Ensuring WRAS approval is important for many reasons, including:

Water quality and safety: Products which comply with WRAS ensure that they do not contaminate water in any way. Tests are carried out to ensure the products won’t affect the taste or smell of drinking water and do not promote the growth of microorganisms.

Regulatory compliance: WRAS regulations impose a legal duty on everyone to use suitable water fittings when connecting the public water supply to plumbing systems in homes, businesses and other properties.

Consumer confidence: Ensuring the products and systems used in your plumbing systems have WRAS approval can give you and your customers valuable peace of mind.


A WRAS-approved product has gone through testing to ensure it meets the regulations set out by the Water Supply Regulations*. However, there may be times when elements of a product are WRAS-approved, but the unit as a whole is not. Examples include an incorrectly sized air gap or using a non-WRAS-approved jointing compound/adhesive in a clean water combined tank and booster set.


There are 4 steps which you can take to check whether or not a product has WRAS approval:

  1. WRAS Certificate: When products meet the correct regulations, they receive a WRAS certificate. This is something you can request as evidence of compliance.
  2. WRAS website The WRAS website is the best place to check approval, you can search for the company, keywords relating to the product or the 7-digit WRAS approval number on their approvals directory.
  3. Product packaging and manufacturer’s website: WRAS-approved products are issued with a certification mark, which is displayed on the packaging of the product as well as on the manufacturer’s website.
  4. Retailer or Plumber: If you are unsure whether or not a product has WRAS approval, ask the retailer or plumber.



In order to receive WRAS approval, products have to go through a testing process. This involves each of the materials used in the products being tested to check whether or not they are suitable to come into contact with potable water. Whilst these tests are being carried out, other tests may be completed to check if the product ensures backflow prevention or meets other regulations.

Units awarded WRAS approval receive a certificate to verify that the product has been approved, as well as a unique number and listing on the WRAS website. The certification lasts five years, at which point the equipment must be re-tested, with all the checks carried out again as per the original test.

Equivalent approvals can be awarded by other test houses, such as KIWA UK and NSF, who will certify a product complies with the Water Supply Regulations*.


We are very proud to have multiple of our pumping solutions being WRAS-approved, including our range of Cat 5 booster sets. On our website, you can view a product’s WRAS approval details under the Specification Documents section. Speak to the Dutypoint team today to learn more about our WRAS-approved systems.

*The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999, The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009 and The Water Supply (Water Fittings) (Scotland) Byelaws 2014.

How to specify an underground packaged plant room

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 20 February 2024
How to specify a packaged plant room

Specifying an underground packaged plant room

Underground plant rooms aren’t always the first choice for a new construction project due to the high installation costs, slow onsite construction of concrete shuttering, groundwater issues and the need for confined space working when maintaining the plant room.

However, when they are used, they come with a lot of benefits which are spread across the stakeholders involved from architects to contractors including removing the need for planning permission (sometimes needed for above-ground plant rooms), hiding the pump room out of sight, reduced noise pollution and better control of water temperature.

With the negatives sometimes outweighing the benefits of underground plant rooms, what are the issues normally associated with underground plant rooms?

After spending a long time looking at and reviewing existing solutions, it was identified that traditional and existing underground plant rooms suffer from:

  • High bespoke civil engineering design costs
  • Extended site construction time
  • High cost of shuttering, reinforcement and poured concrete
  • Ground water entering into potable water storage tanks
  • High maintenance costs


Confined Space Working

Starting with confined space restrictions, this was a key factor for companies choosing not to use underground plant rooms as they are considered high-risk and contain a number of hazards – if it’s not flooding, then it’s access issues or air quality.

The solutions that could be used to tackle these issues included:


  • Mechanical ventilation
  • Air quality monitoring
  • Safety warning light system
  • Full-size staircase
  • Full length access door
  • Flood bund
  • Critical component resilience and battery backup
  • Automatic inlet shutoff in event of flood



Installation is a big challenge to overcome for underground plant rooms as the traditional installation method is expensive and can take weeks to get everything in place ready for the concrete pour. Even once the plant room was installed there were issues with the structural integrity.

To get around these issues, a pre-packaged system with pre-installed shuttering is the best solution.

Protection of potable water

A key factor in any plant room design is ensuring potable water quality isn’t impacted in any way.

The constant temperature underground when coupled with variable duty ventilation removes much of the risk traditionally associated with storing water in hot plant rooms. An automatic system for the fast removal of nuisance water removes cross-contamination risk and issues related to gaseous discharges from stagnant water accumulation.


Taking all of these issues into account, Dutypoint, have designed a modern underground packaged plant room called Optimise, that tackles and solves the challenges of a traditional underground plant room.

The key benefits of the Optimise underground packaged plant room include:

Safe Confined Working

We’ve designed out the need (in most cases) for confined space working making it much safer, easier and more comfortable to go underground.

Save Time On-Site

Optimise comes with its own pre-engineered and reinforced shuttering giving structural integrity to the plant room and typically saves two weeks build time on site.

Reduced Flood Risk

Optimise has a ‘bund’ area under a steel mesh floor to help reduce the risk of personal injury or equipment failure resulting from leakage internally or externally.

Expansion Pack

Optimise can be networked with additional underground plant rooms linking together to offer increased storage capacity and more space.

Easy Access!

Optimise uses a full-size steel staircase to access the plant room and the full-length hatch makes access and egress simple, even for larger items of equipment.


Built with air filtration, mechanical air ventilation and a warning light system to monitor the atmosphere, and warning lights in case of oxygen depletion. The control panel in the unit uses a touchscreen HMI as well as having a remote management system meaning all parameters can be operated anywhere in the world.

The only time someone really needs to enter the plant room is for performing a mechanical or electrical task, such as checking pressure vessel pre-charge or replacing a mechanical seal.


In conclusion

There’s no real comparison to this for any other system in the market. The concept of a complete underground packaged that you can drop into the ground with a really quick install. Everything else is very labour intensive. That combined with eliminating the confined space risk I just see as a total no-brainer.

BiGDUG, helping the products flow…

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 10 October 2023

As one of the UK’s leading fluid technology providers, we knew the storage and shelving requirements of our new 100,000 sq ft Gloucester premises needed to be handled professionally and efficiently. At Duypoint, we offer a wide variety of products, ranging from large-format heavy items to individual assembly components. To address this, we engaged the expertise of BiGDUG, specialists in shelving solutions.

Storage Case Study

Working with our Operations manager, Emma Barnfield, BiGDUG set about designing a commercial storage solution that would embrace our onsite stock, workflow and assembly requirements whilst considering the format, scale and timescales of our site fit-out.

BiGDUG created a system that accommodates off-the-shelf pallet racking, shelving, benches and assembly trollies, all designed to work together, maximising our warehouse efficiency.

Emma Barnfield, Operations Manager, Dutypoint, says;

“If BiGDUG hadn’t provided the product and level of service they did, it would have had an almost catastrophic effect on our business. We work to increasingly tight deadlines, and if we even miss delivery by one day, that could end up with hefty fines from our clients. This project is part of a multi-million-pound new development, so if we say it’s going to be delivered on a specific day, it has to be. I can’t recommend BiGDUG highlight enough.”

The result is a warehouse that can house multiple format pallets, an assembly line that ensures key products such as the Dutypoint ScubaTANK® and Slimline can be manufactured efficiently and an organised working environment.

Adrian Jefferies, Head of Project, BiGDUG, says:

“Dutypoint have a very varied range of components, so a mix of shelving products was supplied, these ranged from racking to store lengths of material, coils of wiring, right down to small nuts and bolts stored in our range of plastic bins and bin kits”.

“I feel Dutypoint had confidence working with us, at the time of the installation, they were consolidating three production units into one large one, anyone who has gone through this process knows it can be stressful, particularly if you are trying to continue with your production schedule. One of our main considerations was to work with Dutypoint, so we caused minimal disruption while at the same time working effectively to install on time with minimum delay”.

Student Placement at Dutypoint

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 26 September 2023
placement for engineering students at dutypoint

Dutypoint is proud to offer student placement opportunities for engineering students and other industries to universities nationwide, who want to learn more about the industry from professionals and gain on-site experience. Recently, we were joined at our head office by George, an engineering student from the University of Bristol, who joined our teams for six months.

Throughout his placement, George worked primarily with our New Product Development team and our team of Technical Engineers. By joining those teams, George experienced a diverse range of projects and could apply the theoretical knowledge he gained at university to real-world challenges engineers face.

During his time with the NPD Team, George highlighted his experience with advanced machinery, such as the 3D printer. He learnt about the software used by Dutypoint, allowing him to expand his knowledge about the industry.

George has since expressed how the experience he gained from this placement will aid him when applying for jobs once he has graduated, and what he has learned through these six months by working with our teams will benefit what he may encounter in the future. George and prior students highly recommend an internship with Dutypoint, which provides invaluable experience for those seeking to join the water industry.

The Dutypoint team wish George luck for his future, and we hope our paths will cross again.

George, Dutypoint intern, says:
“Thank you for the incredible opportunity to intern at Dutypoint as an engineer over the past 6 months. It has been an enriching and invaluable experience that has contributed significantly to my personal and professional growth.

Throughout my internship, I had the privilege of working with an exceptionally talented and supportive team. I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the NPD Team and Technical Engineering for their guidance, mentorship, and patience. Their willingness to share their knowledge and expertise has been instrumental in enhancing my skills and understanding of the engineering field.

As my internship concludes, I want to express my eagerness to stay connected with Dutypoint. I am hopeful that our paths will cross again, whether through future collaborations, networking events, or as a potential member of the Dutypoint team. I am truly excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.”

Happy student placement with his gift from Dutypoint

If you are interested in an student placement position at Dutypoint, please do not hesitate to contact us at 01452 300110 or on our Careers page. We also advertise availabilities on job websites.

Embracing social responsibility

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 3 November 2022
Local community support by Dutypoint

At Dutypoint, we’re very proud of our position in the local community and the construction industry at large. We have had our headquarters in Gloucester from the very beginning, and over the last 46 years, we have worked hard to establish ourselves as leaders at the heart of the construction industry. Giving back is essential to the growth of any business, but it’s especially important for us to give back to the people who have helped and are still helping us to achieve our goals. Watch the video to find out why:



You might have heard it said that charity begins at home. At Dutypoint, we’ve got a big team that’s always growing, and looking after our staff is our top priority. Right now we have over 130 employees, and we’re currently recruiting. Have you got what it takes to set the bar? The things that set Dutypoint employees apart are their passion, in-depth product knowledge, high levels of customer service – and how much they care. We hold fundraising days every year to raise money for our chosen charities, but many of our team members also donate/undertake fundraising activities independently of company initiatives.


Dutypoint is proud to support a diverse range of local, national, and international charities, which means we can make a difference and help those that need it the most, whether here in Gloucester or anywhere else in the world. Our fundraising days – like the Bake Off event we held earlier this year to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support – are integral to how our business operates. They help us bring our team even closer, build stronger relationships, and have fun, all in the name of a good cause.


The Rapid Relief Team (RRT) is a cause very close to our hearts. Established in 2013 by the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church to deliver humanitarian aid, disaster relief and support to young people, people with disabilities and people living in poverty, they have outreach in 16 countries around the globe. As a company, we make significant contributions to this charity, and members of our community give up their time to volunteer with the RRT, emulating the core values of care and compassion while serving those most in need.

Find out how you can get involved.

As an established business, it’s our responsibility to play a real role in driving change. Learn more about what that means to Dutypoint. Call us on 01452 300110 or email enquiries@dutypoint.com today.

Setting the Bar for Product Innovation

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 2 November 2022
Leading Product Innovation Title Screen

At Dutypoint, innovation is at the heart of everything we do. We are constantly testing boundaries and redefining what is possible for water-pumping systems. Our focus on research and development, driven by over four decades of industry knowledge, has established us as forerunners in the industry. But we are never complacent. We keep our feet firmly “in” the ground (just like our underground packaged pump stations!) and always listen to our customers to ensure we deliver innovative new solutions that meet their requirements.

Watch the video to find out more:



The Dutypoint engineering team doesn’t just set the bar – they raise it for everyone else. Thanks to their hard work and our facility’s extensive in-house design capabilities, we became the first UK manufacturer to gain WRAS approval for our booster sets. Did you know the ScubaTANK® is still the only WRAS-approved “complete system” on the British market?

The Water Regulations Approval Scheme (WRAS) is an independent UK certification body for plumbing products and materials, helping you to choose compliant products that ensure clean, safe, and efficient water for your client. Enquire about the ScubaTANK® now.

Since our first accreditation, we have gone from strength to strength and remained the leader in product innovation in fluid technology.


The move to our new headquarters at Olympus Park in Gloucestershire promises even more in the way of product innovation. We are centralising our entire operation and bringing everyone together on one site, providing more opportunities for teamwork, collaborative thinking, and idea generation.

And we’re recruiting! More space means we have room to grow our design team, and everyone at Dutypoint is looking forward to seeing the positive influence these fresh perspectives will have on product development in the future.

Think you’ve got what it takes to raise the bar? We want to hear from you. Complete the form on our website or call us on 0808 239 7536 for more information.

Celebrating British Manufacturing

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 24 October 2022
Celebrating British Manufacturing With Dutypoint Web Banner

Great Britain is a world leader in engineering and innovation. Isambard Kingdom Brunel was born here. So were George and Robert Stevenson. As a nation, we built the first steam locomotives, passenger railways, and the hydraulic press.

At Dutypoint, we constantly endeavour to embrace that pioneering spirit. We are always pushing boundaries, breaking barriers, and blazing trails, setting the bar high for the British manufacturing industry.

Watch the video to find out why being recognised as a British manufacturer is so important to us:



From the beginning, no matter how big we’ve grown, Dutypoint headquarters have always been in Gloucester. That’s over 45 years of serving our community in the South West! We design and manufacture all our products here, and as we prepare to move into our brand-new premises just up the road, we are excited about how this will impact product research and development.

Being a UK manufacturer is one of the foundations of our business. It means:

– More jobs for the community
– More investment in the manufacturing industry, both locally and nationally
– More support for British suppliers
– Ongoing contribution to national economic growth

Most important to us, however, is the value it brings to you, our customers. Sourcing parts and manufacturing our products in Britain means faster turnaround times for your projects.

Look out for the Made in Britain accreditations on our website, which guarantee that all our pumps and systems were made right here in GB.


But don’t worry, we’re not going far! Our new, state-of-the-art premises are at Olympus Park in Gloucestershire, just off the M5. We are bringing all our teams from across the country under one roof to streamline our operations and promote collaboration and innovation. Dutypoint’s future as an ambassador for British manufacturing is secure.

Get in touch to find out more about our accreditations and values. You can call the team on 0808 239 7536 or email enquiries@dutypoint.com.

Moving on to the next step for Dutypoint

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 23 October 2022
Man Explaining Business Relocation

Founded in Gloucester in 1976, Dutypoint has grown into one of the leading players in fluid technology – not just in the UK but across the world. We are trusted by clients locally, nationally, and internationally for our clear business values. But our home and our heart are here in the South West – and it’s also where our new headquarters will be, less than a mile down the road at Olympus Park.

Watch the video to discover why such a short distance marks such a big step for operations at Dutypoint:


Over the last forty-five years, Dutypoint has grown from a small family-owned company into a global industry leader in fluid technology (though we have never forgotten our roots). At one point, we had five sites across the UK, and now we employ over 130 people, who will all be coming together for the first time at our new premises.

Our new building has 100,000 sq. ft of space and will house everything from product development to build and distribution under one roof.

Although we’re not going far, the move marks a significant step for the company and our team. It will offer more chances for on-the-job training, career development, and job progression.


As a company, we thrive on progress. By creating a central hub for our operations, we want to raise the bar even further for customer expectations and delivery.

Housing all the individual parts of our business in one spacious building means:

– Innovation can flourish

– Productivity will increase

– More streamlined operations

– More sustainable operations

– A broader range of products in stock for our customers

Visit us at Unit A Quedgeley West Business Park, Gloucester GL2 4PA. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Got a project enquiry? Call us on 0808 239 7536 or email enquiries@dutypoint.com today.

Building at the heart of construction

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 4 October 2022
Man In Hi-Vis In A Warehouse

At Dutypoint, we’re on a mission. We want to reduce construction complexity by creating straightforward off-site packaged pump room solutions while setting the bar in customer experience and innovation. We are consistently working towards this goal and have been since we started almost 50 years ago!

Watch the video to hear our Business Development Executive, Lucas, explain why our standing in the construction industry is so important to us:

The three things that set our business apart are:


As industry leaders in fluid technology, we get called to work on many unique and challenging projects. Nothing says we’ve got a solution to suit your every requirement like the retrofit solution we supplied for Carisbrooke Castle on the Isle of Wight. Built in 1100, the age of the castle presented several hurdles we hadn’t encountered before. The site needed a safe, reliable water supply solution that wouldn’t disrupt the existing building – it’s Grade 1 listed, and any repairs would have been difficult and costly to repair. We modified the ScubaTANK® to fit the space, supplying a unit with an external cover and front-only access.

Read more about this unique project and see innovation in action by visiting our case studies page.


Dutypoint has been setting the bar in fluid technology since 1976. Over the last 46 years and counting, we have expanded to become one of the leading suppliers of fluid technology solutions in the UK and abroad – and we’re still growing, evolving in line with project requirements, legislation, and client expectations. Our industry knowledge enables us to offer bespoke systems to clients with specific requirements. And because they know we know what we’re talking about, clients value our insights regarding the selection process for pumps and stations.


Dutypoint values:

  • Always EPIC service
  • Thrive on progress
  • Do business right
  • Rise to it

From the moment we are specified, the full weight of Dutypoint is behind your project. Our team of in-house designers, engineers, and project managers are focused on delivering the kind of service you deserve. Integrity, transparency, accountability and clear communication are central to how we do business. Our commitment to these principles puts us right where we want to be: at the heart of the construction industry, delivering products and exceeding service expectations. When you work with Dutypoint, you benefit from our out-of-the-box thinking, almost half a century of industry experience, and a knowledgeable team who are always happy to help.

Want to know more? Ask us about the part we play in the construction industry. Call us on 01452 300110 or email enquiries@dutypoint.com today.

Minimising our environmental impact

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 4 October 2022
Man Looking At Camera In Warehouse

The pressure is on businesses in every sector to look at how their operations are impacting the environment and take steps to reduce their carbon footprint. In the construction space, much of the conversation centres around waste and what we can do to make our processes more efficient. New legislation, like The Environment Act (2021), signals an industry-wide drive toward greater resource conservation and efficiency.

At Dutypoint, it’s our goal to not just be in line with these regulations but to be ahead of them. Small steps usher in big changes. For our part, we’re managing our energy consumption, reducing water usage and encouraging the use of electric vehicles. And that’s only the start. As a company, we are reviewing our entire process from product development to build, analysing every aspect of what we do and how we do it.

Watch the video and keep reading to learn more about our environmental objectives and what changes we’re making to meet them.


The heart of our operations has and will always be in Gloucester. But since Dutypoint was founded in 1976, our operations have grown to include offices in London and the Midlands. In order to streamline our service, make it more efficient, and reduce our carbon emissions, we are relocating to a single, optimised site near where it all began.

With the move to our new premises at Olympus Park in Gloucestershire, we’re starting a journey of environmental awareness that will form a cornerstone of our operations going forwards.


1. Ensure the environmental awareness programme is delivered in compliance with environmental requirements
2. Promote improvements in the environmental management system
3. Implement the waste hierarchy across the programme
4. Continually seek ways to minimise our environmental impacts

Here are just a few of the ways we are going about achieving our goals:

  • Using recycled and recyclable paper products; reducing packaging as much as possible.
  • Monitoring energy and water consumption; testing more efficient processes to minimise wastage.
  • Taking advantage of video conferencing technology and restricting travel to essential journeys only; introducing electric vehicles to our fleet.
  • Using local labour and materials where available to reduce CO2 levels and help the community; consulting staff and stakeholders to get everyone on board with initiatives.

To learn more about these changes, get in touch with Dutypoint today. Call us on 01452 300110 or email enquiries@dutypoint.com.

Playing a role in our local community

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 4 October 2022
Man Talking To Camera In Boardroom

Dutypoint has been a family-owned, people-centric, community-oriented business from the beginning. We have had our headquarters in Gloucester for over 45 years, and we are very proud of our South West roots. As we look forward to moving into our new premises here, we reflect on this opportunity not just for our own evolvement but for the growth of our community.

As an established business in Gloucester, we are able to develop critical skills, forge careers, and assure strong futures. Watch the video to find out more about our business and community initiatives:


Our position as a local industry leader has enabled us to form strong community bonds with schools in the Gloucester area. We work closely with schools and colleges to offer work experience placements and apprenticeships. At Dutypoint, we are committed to educating the next generation and protecting the planet for their future. The next thing we have ‘in the works’ is a sustainability project for local schools designed to teach students about the importance of efficient water usage and how to reduce waste.


As a company, we recognise the importance of giving and are committed to supporting various local, national, and international charities. We are proud to have worked with the James Hopkins Trust and the Gloucestershire chapter of the Rapid Relief Team, as well as national organisations like Cancer Research UK and Great Ormond Street. In our team, we’re lucky to have several excellent bakers. Earlier this year, we hosted a Bake Off to fundraise for Macmillan Cancer Support. What a delicious way to donate to a good cause!


Dutypoint has nearly 50 years of experience providing bespoke underground pump stations. Our experience is second to none. Whatever solution a project requires, we can build it. Our clients appreciate our depth of knowledge, industry experience and the level of technical support we provide. Professional development is the key to growth. That’s why we offer bite-sized training sessions for businesses to help expand the knowledge horizons and skill set of your team. What could you learn in your lunch break?

“Dutypoint has given me a great introduction to the technicalities of packaged pump stations and how they can provide cost-effective all-in-one solutions for a wide variety of challenging projects. The lunch was great too!” – Jason, Graduate Trainee

To book a training session for your team, contact Dutypoint today. Call us on 01452 300110 or email enquiries@dutypoint.com

Dutypoint satisfies water supply needs for Jersey’s Nightingale Hospital.

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 23 April 2020
Dutypoint satisfies water supply needs for Jersey's Nightingale Hospital.

Dutypoint is pleased to have been able to support the new Jersey NHS Nightingale Hospital with a bespoke packaged pumping station.

The Jersey NHS Nightingale Hospital, is a temporary facility that has been built on the Millbrook Playing Field, which will create an additional 180 beds for coronavirus patients.

Dutypoint was approached to help the team building the hospital and immediately got its in-house design and engineering resource on the case to design a bespoke QuadraTANK all-in-one tan k, booster and equipment kiosk to satisfy all the hospitals temporary water supply needs.

The end solution comprises enough water tank capacity to store 27,000 litres of potable water and includes a WRAS approved Dutypoint booster set and all the controls housed within a 40ft container that is designed for quick and easy ‘plug n play’ installation on site. It will satisfy all the hospitals water supply needs, provide relevant backflow prevention, and is another example of Dutypoint truly living our values; rising to it in order to satisfy our clients specific needs and tight timescales.

From initial enquiry through design, development and manufacture to final delivery on-site took just over 1 week.

Dutypoint supports the new Swansea Bay Nightingale Hospital with a VT3

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 23 April 2020
Dutypoint supports the new Swansea Bay Nightingale Hospital with a VT3

Dutypoint was able to support the Swansea Bay Nightingale Hospital this week by supplying a cold water booster set at very short notice.

The Dutypoint VT3 was needed to supply all the required water for the new Swansea Bay Nightingale Hospital, which will see Bay Studios, a film studio and former factory, transformed into an 850-bed field hospital to support the NHS’ COVID-19 response in Wales.

The initial enquiry came in on Thursday 9th April, and the Dutypoint team worked over the Bank Holiday weekend to ensure the unit was ready to be delivered to site on schedule today (Wednesday 15th April).

Dutypoint remains fully operational and on hand to support our clients with any short notice requests for cold water pressure boosters, Category 5 compliant break tanks and other water systems, all vitally important to ensure that critical facilities such as the Swansea Bay Hospital have an adequate supply of clean water for handwashing and wash down.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need support with your project, we are here to help.

Critical Supplies For Essential Services – We’re Here To Help

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 6 April 2020
Category 5 ScubaTANK® AB: Morriston Hospital Case Study

Dutypoint works with a huge number of UK and international businesses in all industries; networking to share best practice, knowledge and expertise.

Through this network we can provide rapid access to a wealth of specialist advice and technical knowledge, and to a significant supply chain covering a vast range of products including PPE, disinfection equipment and industrial consumables.

We are already supporting a number of NHS trusts but are keen to do more to support the collective fight against the spread of COVID-19. We have a highly energised team here ready and able to assist and would be delighted to help with any challenge.

If you, or anyone you know, need critical materials, resource or expertise please contact us now on 01452 300110 or via essentialsupplies@dutypoint.com. We are here to help.

Dutypoint lives by the following four values, please reach out to us and we will rise to any challenge:

• Always World Class Service
• Thrive on Progress
• Do Business Right
• Rise to it

Category 5 ScubaTANK® AB: Morriston Hospital Case Study

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 30 March 2020
Category 5 ScubaTANK® AB: Morriston Hospital Case Study


At very short notice, the Morriston Hospital in Swansea had an urgent need for an all-in-one break tank and booster set for a temporary wash down facility needed to enable them to effectively clean and sterilise their fleet of ambulances. This is vitally important at any time but particularly so at present as a number of these ambulances are currently being used to transport and treat patients with COVID-19 and so being able to thoroughly clean and sterilise each vehicle after every use is crucial to help to prevent further spread of the virus.


Getting the right the product solution, one that would enable the ambulances to be effectively cleaned and sterilised after each use thus protecting the crews, their equipment and the wider community. The product solution also had to reduce any risk of contaminating the mains water supply and it had to be available quick.


We rose to the challenge and recommended a fully WRAS approved Dutypoint ScubaTANK® Category 5 compliant all-in-one break tank and booster set, which is specifically designed to take up little floor space in applications including ambulance stations or temporary hospital wash down facilities such as this, to provide adequate water pressure, and crucially prevent backflow and any risk of contaminating the mains water supply.

From initial enquiry to delivery on site took just 48 hours.

We were really pleased to be able to help out the Morriston Hospital and remain on hand to help other UK hospitals facing similar challenges.

Dutypoint can provide the follow pre-packaged Category 5 wash-down solutions for immediate dispatch:

  • Category 5 compliant wash-down cold water booster sets
  • Category 5 compliant water tanks
  • Pumps

Dutypoint was able to support another UK nightingale hospital this week with the supply of a cold water booster set at very short notice.

The Dutypoint VT3 was needed to supply all the required water for the new Swansea Bay facility which will see Bay Studios, a film studio and former factory, transformed into an 850 bed field hospital to support the NHS’ COVID-19 response in Wales.

The initial enquiry came in on Thursday 9th April and the Dutypoint team worked over the Bank Holiday weekend to ensure the unit was ready to be delivered to site on schedule today (Wednesday 15th April).

Dutypoint remains fully operational and on hand to support our clients with any short notice requests for cold water pressure boosters, Category 5 compliant break tanks and other water systems, all vitally important to ensure that critical facilities such as the Swansea Bay Hospital have an adequate supply of clean water for handwashing and wash down.

COVID-19 – Our responsibilities to our clients and customers

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 27 March 2020
COVID-19 – Our responsibilities to our clients and customers

COVID-19 – Our responsibilities to our clients and customers

Dutypoint regards its people, its clients and customers as its most valuable assets.  Our pandemic planning and response efforts are based on a continuous loop of information sharing and activities to help prevent, contain, and recover from the impact of the COVID-19 virus.

Given the current levels of concern around COVID-19, we have prepared the below information to help answer some of the questions you may have around our ability to continue with the provision of goods and services into your business.

  • We are following the latest government advice and are committed to, and are taking the necessary steps to safeguard our people, their families and our customers.
  • We remain fully operational and able to receive and fulfil orders at very short notice.
  • We have a detailed internal business continuity plan that allows us to continue to provide excellent customer service while working from remote locations, this includes the provision of after sales service; our service engineers are available to undertake service visits nationwide. Please contact service@dutypoint.com to book an appointment.
  • We are committed to fulfilling any pre-existing or future customer visits and CPDs and will take the necessary precautions to reduce risk, if however you would prefer for us not to visit your premises please let us know and we can arrange alternative on-line meetings and CPDs.
  • We increased stock and have pulled forward component supplies from affected overseas areas before the restrictions came into force and our production facilities and stores continue to operate with the necessary precautions in place.
  • We are committed to doing everything possible to ensure the continuity of all our goods & services and are in regular contact with our global supply base with regards to the latest situation in their particular location.

Crow Lane Optimise Underground Packaged Plant Room

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 23 March 2020
Crow Lane Optimise Underground Packaged Plant Room

Underground Packaged Plant Rooms:

Crow Lane Case Study 


Dutypoint were asked to design a bespoke underground packaged plant room for a brand new mixed residential housing development being developed by Hollybrook Homes in Crow Lane, Romford, Essex.

Conveniently located just a short walk away from the new Romford Crossrail and National Rail Stations, the Crow Lane development is set to deliver 82 new homes with allocated parking, a children’s play area and extensive landscaping on a site which was formally part of National Grid’s wider gasholder site.

The Crow Lane development is due to be completed by early 2021.


Dutypoint were given the challenge of designing, building and manufacturing a packaged plant room solution which would mitigate the fact that there was very limited space allocated within the main residential block for a plant room/plant room equipment. The only solution was to go underground.

As we were brought onto the project relatively late the contractor also required a product solution which was largely ‘plug and play’ in order to help keep the overall programme on track.

Rise to it is one of Dutypoint’s four values and so we didn’t hesitate in tasking our in-house design and development teams to come up with a bespoke product solution which could be installed in a fraction of the time that a conventional underground chamber would take.


The product solution we came up with was Optimise, a pre-fabricated, underground packaged plant room which utilises an innovative pre-fitted concrete shuttering system which allows the concrete work to be completed in just two pours, vastly reducing overall pour time, reducing the number of entries into the excavation and therefore reducing the number of working hours required to complete the installation.


Optimise is designed to be highly configuration and so we were able to pre-fit it with the specific plant equipment required for this project, which included a triple pump WRAS approved Dutypoint booster set, a twin compartment GRP storage tank, electromagnetic water conditioner and UV filter.

The whole project took just 4 months from receiving the initial brief through to designing, engineering and manufacturing a bespoke product solution which was then delivered to site in Dec-19 and installed in the ground in Jan-20.he complete product was designed, manufactured and pre-fitted at our Gloucester factory and then craned into place on site ready for installation, concrete fill and back fill.

Packaged pumping stations helping developers to utilise challenging sites for much needed new homes

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 16 January 2020
Packaged Pump Station Vortech

Where gravity drainage cannot be relied upon to move sewage or wastewater from a building to a nearby sewer or sewage treatment plant, a pumping station may be required.

A pumping station is a mechanical device installed in a basement, cellar, sewer, water system or other liquid-carrying pipeline to move wastewater to a higher level and usually consists of one or more submersible pumps installed in a chamber. They are also known as sump pumps, sewage stations or pump chambers.

The traditional solution has been to build a pumping station on site, which consists of a chamber made from concrete rings, which is then fitted out with the necessary equipment, i.e., pumps, pipes, and valves. However, this method can be time consuming as it can take a number of weeks to complete the construction. This method can also create challenges in terms of onsite access, logistics and confined working constraints.

A more efficient and cost effective solution is the modern packaged pumping station, which as the name suggests, come as a complete package containing all the essential elements ready for installation. Packaged pumping stations are typically prefabricated, manufactured offsite and delivered to site ready for installation, which saves significant program time and thus project cost. By being designed, built and tested to the appropriate standards offsite, packaged pumping stations can be installed much more quickly onsite.

Common applications can include domestic dwellings located downhill from the sewer or treatment plant, new homes built on more remote or inaccessible land, larger commercial buildings such as schools, hospitals and care homes and industrial buildings such as factories, warehouses and major infrastructure projects such as new roads, all facing the same challenge of how to effectively pump wastewater to a treatment plant.

Typically featuring a tank constructed from super strong materials including glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) or polyethylene, packaged pumping stations can be specified with a macerator type submersible pump(s) to effectively break up larger particles within the liquid, these are typically used when pumping sewage or slurry. They can also be fitted with control or monitoring equipment to provide an early alert of any problems with the system.

Packaged pumping stations are available in a variety of sizes and designs to suit the specific requirements of the application. They are designed so that they do not emit any odour and because they are located underground they are generally very quiet.

Dutypoint offers a range of great value, easy to install Vortech™ Packaged Pumping Stations made from both GRP and polyethylene and offers an online product selector to enable the easy configuration of an underground sewage or wastewater pumping station to suit the specific needs of the project.

Vortech™ Packaged Pumping Stations are available in a choice of sizes with different pump options to suit the specific application including pumps for surface water, pumps for foul water/sewage and heavy duty grinder pumps for sewage with all models delivered as a complete package, ready for installation, and for added convenience selected models are available in stock with FREE same or next day delivery.

Key features of the Vortech™ range include super strong chambers made of virgin polyethylene, featuring strengthening ribs for superior quality and corrosion resistance, and a compact design constructed to fit in tight areas such as basements and cellars.

Vortech™ Packaged Pumping Stations are also available in a choice of chamber sizes, ranging from 280 litres all the way up to 9,000 litres with high level alarms fitted as standard with the option to include battery backup control systems for critical applications.

Dutypoint also offers a range of GRP packaged pumping stations that can be designed to suit the specific requirements of your project and our brand new QuikForm™ underground packaged pumping station with utilises an innovative shuttering system to reduce installation labour hours by 35% and concrete usage by up to 50%*

Introducing QuikForm™  – the quicker, smarter, more efficient packaged pump station.

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 31 October 2019
Introducing QuikForm™  - the quicker

Say hello to a quicker, smarter, more efficient way of creating an underground packaged pump station, say hello to the NEW QuikForm™ Pump Station range from Dutypoint.

The traditional method of creating an underground packaged pump station generally requires either a concrete ring or GRP/Polyethylene moulded tank which requires a significant amount of concrete backfill to provide the necessary strength and to prevent floatation from groundwater pressure. This prolongs the build program and incurs significant cost.

QuikForm™ is different. It’s revolutionary, patented chamber design incorporates an innovative modular shuttering system which creates the following benefits:

  • Installation labour hours are reduced by 35% compared to an equivalent GRP system*
  • Up to 50% less concrete is required than with an equivalent GRP system*
  • Fixed concrete cost – no more guesswork or concrete wastage

For more information on QuikForm™ please visit our QuikForm product page.

Welcome to the revolution.

A1 Coal House improvement

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 2 August 2019
A1 Coal House improvement

Dutypoint were contacted by the main contractor to assist in a pre-packaged pump station to collect stormwater from the new drainage scheme in a 1:100 year storm. Storm water in a freak storm would rise over a weir in the drainage system and divert through the pump station.


The pump station was not initially within the scope of this project so the client was looking to install something as quickly and competitively as possible. They contacted us to assist in designing a pre-packaged system to keep their costs and program as low as possible. When the drainage system was completed, it became apparent that this was not going to be within the capabilities of a packaged system.

With flow rates of 900 litres/second, 300mm pipework, a 5m diameter by 11m deep chamber, this was unfortunately too extensive for a pre-packaged system.


Finally, working in partnership with hydraulic engineers and the client, Dutypoint appointed a team of mechanical and electrical installation engineers to carry out the installation of pipework, pumps, controls and panel into the concrete shaft.

Feeling the pressure – the need for reliable water supply at Rochdale Infirmary

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 1 May 2019
Feeling the pressure – the need for reliable water supply at Rochdale Infirmary

When the facilities management team at Rochdale Infirmary, an NHS acute general hospital located in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, became aware that their aging and unreliable booster pump was threatening to disrupt the supply of potable water to their patients and staff, they contacted Dutypoint as a matter of urgency.

The hospital had been relying on an old booster pump for the crucial delivery of potable water from a 70,000 litre tank to all outlets across the hospital including taps and showers, and the reliability of said booster pump was becoming a significant cause of concern for the facilities team.

Dutypoint was called in to help and after a detailed investigation which included a site survey, we proposed a solution that involved replacing all the working components of the existing booster pump with high quality, durable, easily serviceable replacements, and in order to reduce cost, disruption and the risk of any potential loss of supply, all existing pipework and manifolds were retained.

The work undertaken on the Rochdale Infirmary booster pump project by Dutypoint included the original fault diagnosis and designing, building and installing a fully WRAS approved system that would deliver the required pressure at all times. This included the provision of an expansion vessel for efficiency at times of low demand and designing in the capability to deliver the required flow at peak demand times, i.e., when multiple taps and showers could be used at the same time.

Further features of the enhanced booster system include a purpose-built control panel with pressure sensing capability for better fault indication, inverter controlled pumps for improved efficiency and compatibility with the hospital’s existing BMS.
The facilities team at Rochdale Infirmary now have the reassurance of knowing that they have a reliable, efficient, easy to maintain pressure booster installed to satisfy the potable water needs of the hospital’s staff and patients.

How choosing the right pressure booster can reduce long term maintenance costs

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 23 April 2019
How choosing the right pressure booster can reduce long term maintenance costs

The role of the Building Services Consultant is often complicated by the need to satisfy multiple stakeholders with competing and sometimes conflicting requirements. However, one factor that is consistently important to all is price, whether that’s the purchase price of the equipment, important to client and contractor, or the ongoing maintenance costs, important to the facilities manager whose responsibility it is to manage the building in the long term.

In an attempt to satisfy all stakeholders involved in designing, building and maintaining buildings, consultants need to be specifying products that deliver the right balance of fit for purpose, compliance and value for money, and for the latter that’s value for money throughout the product lifecycle not just the initial purchase, as it’s clear that regular maintenance of machinery isn’t always top of the facilities manager’s list of priorities!

Built-in obsolescence may now be accepted within the consumer products world but when it comes to the products that help keep our factories, schools, hospitals and places of work functioning then the price of product failure is much higher. Facilities managers therefore should have strategies in place to ensure the smooth long term running of their buildings within an agreed budget. These could include preventative measures such as annual/bi-annual service agreements for electrical and mechanical products, predictive testing and inspection, product training programs and regular energy usage audits.

All of the above however should be supplemented through the specification of products that are designed to be have low maintenance costs, be reliable, and with longevity in mind.

For any business that relies on the supply of water, commercial booster sets and pumps that require little maintenance and that can run for long periods of time trouble-free are an absolute necessity. Thankfully there are a few indicators that will help you to select the right pressure booster to please both your client and the end user.

In a cold water booster set, the element(s) that work the hardest are naturally the pumps and so by specifying a product that features variable speed drives that modulate output according to demand and feature anti-seize technology to rotate the pumps when they’re not in use, you are selecting a smarter product that will ultimately reduce wear and tear and overall energy consumption.

The cost of servicing can also be greatly reduced by specifying products based around a modular design, this enables the pumps to be individually isolated, electrically and mechanically, making the product more easily accessible for routine maintenance or replacement, which in turn reduces cost and eliminates disruption. Other cost savings can be delivered by specifying products that don’t require special tools for disassembly and feature standard, readily available mechanical seals, as opposed to manufacturer specific seals which are usually more expensive and harder to source. And of course, products that come with a longer guarantee as standard will help reduce cost in the early years of the product’s life.

Building maintenance shouldn’t be a burden. It’s part and parcel of business, but future costs can be cut considerably by thinking ahead and specifying products that are specifically designed for the long run.

How Dutypoint can help you reduce maintenance costs

Dutypoint offers a comprehensive range of pressure boosters for every application from a large residential home to an industrial building, including the new VT range of cold water booster sets. For more details please visit www.dutypoint.com/vt

Dutypoint Product Selector is a free resource for consultants that will help you to select the right pressure booster for your specific project, to use it please visit www.dutypoint.com/product-selector or alternatively you can request a copy of our 2019 Selection Manual which features a product selector for each pressure booster range.

Why Do We Need Pressure Boosters?

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 19 April 2019
Why Do We Need Pressure Boosters?

 The Problem

Fixing and reducing leakage within the water network is a major priority for water companies as they attempt to sustain the UK’s aging water infrastructure and stem the extent of perfectly drinkable water that is lost through leakage, which is said to amount to 3.1 billion litres…. every day!

The Symptom

The water companies are said to be making progress in reducing leaks (according to Ofwat, leakage is down a third from its peak in 1994-1995) however another way of reducing leakage is by reducing the supplied pressure; the official Ofwat Low Pressure regulation states that UK water companies must maintain a minimum pressure in the communication pipe, which carries water between the mains and the boundary of a private property, of at least 7 metres static head which is approximately 0.7 bar. Whilst in many cases water companies will be delivering in excess of the minimum requirement, even at 1 bar, this simply isn’t enough to sustain demand in larger residential properties, high rise buildings or commercial and industrial buildings with multiple water outlets.

The solution

This explains the need for pressure boosters in most occupied buildings greater in size than a typical UK house, knowing that you need to specify a pressure booster is the easy bit, knowing exactly what type of pressure booster you need is a bit more complex.

The first consideration has to be how much water pressure does the building need to be able to sustain the expected demand for water. This is a calculation based on how many taps, showers etc. will be fitted within the building and how many of these are likely to be used at once, as part of this calculation it is also important to factor in the peak demand flow rate, i.e., the worst case scenario that could occur if all the taps or showers were used at once, which is more likely to occur in sports clubs, stadia etc.

Other considerations are the static height difference between the water storage tank feeding the pressure booster and either the shower or tap at the highest point in the building, the required pressure at said highest outlet and the pressure loss from friction in the pipes. Finally, consideration has to be given to emergency or maintenance cover at peak demand, so for example, in a scenario where one pump fails and needs repair/replacement, how will the rest of the system deliver the required level of pressure.

On pretty much every project, you will need to make assumptions in order to be able to make this calculation but the burden of this doesn’t have to lie solely on your shoulders. Dutypoint offers you tools to help you choose the right pressure booster for your specific project, both through the Big Red Book Selection Manual & Price Guide and through our online product selector.

Abbey Road Crossing, London

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 1 April 2019
a packaged pump stations project by dutypoint


As part of major re-development program of London’s famous Abbey Road, Manhire Associates required a waste water solution to be installed with minimal disruption or impact on the iconic crossing.


Dutypoint were brought into this project at a late stage by a main contractor. The build program was well under way and progressing quickly.

The structural design was completed based on a 1000mm pump chamber but pump flow rates were still in question so orders couldn’t be placed and the specified supplier was quoting 6-8 weeks for delivery.


Dutypoint stepped in and committed to hit a very tight deadline and supplied 2 packaged pump stations for foul and storm water which were customised to suit site requirements and prevent any design structural design amends.

These were accelerated through our design process, manufactured and delivered to site within 3 working days or receiving the order!

What’s more, our packaged pump stations solution was quicker to install, more cost effective and most importantly, safer to install than alternative systems!

Project Mary in Avonmouth

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 1 April 2019
Project Mary in Avonmouth

Project Mary, a new distribution centre in Central Park, Avonmouth was strategically selected by The Range to provide excellent transport channels to their stores throughout the UK.

The building has a floor area of over 1,000,000 ft2, over 130km of pipework and the roof area will discard over 7000 l/s in worst storms.



Five strategically placed sewage pump stations were required around the perimeter of the building to keep the sewage waste alleviated to a certain level. The build program for this project was very tight and carried numerous challenges.

The rising main lengths varied from 200 to 600m due to the size of the building and had to be carefully selected to ensure the velocity was calculated correctly to keep the pumps running to maximum efficiency.


Dutypoint designed a complete foul water pump station package to meet the demands of the entire facility. The system included 5 pre-built packaged pumping stations, pumps and 5 rising mains which were all selected specifically for the project.

The system was pre-built off site and delivered within a specific time window to allow the build program to progress smoothly. Dutypoint also assisted in reducing installation times to get the job on site done quicker and cut out any disruption to other contractors on site.

One Blackfriars

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 27 February 2019
One Blackfriars


The One Blackfriars development scheme will comprise of a 261 bedroom hotel with gym, sauna, offices, restaurant, conference facilities, bar, staff accommodation, kitchens, shops, restaurant/public houses, 274 private apartments, and basement car park.


As with all tall residential towers with a high number occupants the building required a foul water system with large capacity tanks to control output into the mains sewerage infrastructure.

To keep within the confines of buildings footprint and save valuable space the tank and pump stations needed to be installed beneath the 3 level deep basement, taking them below the main sewerage system.


Dutypoint designed a complete system of 5 packaged pump stations specifically to meet the demands of the building and capable of pumping foul water up to the mains sewerage system from deep below ground.

As with all projects of this nature the build programme, logistics, costs and health and safety are major considerations.

To address these issues all the systems supplied by Dutypoint were built off-site, saving several valuable installation days and reducing the health and safety risks of working in confined spaces.

Dutypoint worked closely with the main contractor along with other contractors to resolve the logistical challenges common to building in the busy heart of Central London.

De Vere Beaumont Estate, Old Windsor

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 11 February 2019
De Vere Beaumont Estate

As part of a multimillion pound refurbishment and extension to the exclusive De Vere Beaumont Estate hotel, Windsor, Dutypoint were selected to provide a high capacity water storage and pump solution to accommodate a significant increase in demand from additional bedrooms to the hotel.


Dutypoint worked closely with Cudd Bentley Consulting to design a system specifically for the project which was compact enough to be crane lifted over the historic building and installed in an enclosed courtyard location with minimal impact on the aesthetics of the building.


The QuadraTANK integrated kiosk, booster set and WRAS approved tank with weatherproof housing provided the ideal solution to meet the demands of the entire complex.

The unit is completely self contained, protected from all weather extremes and is easy to access for regular maintenance.

900 miles to the Old Court House

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 31 January 2019
Vertical Cantilever Pumps project by Dutypoint

Dutypoint have recently completed work in collaboration with mechanical installers on a prestigious Kensington property in London.

The project was requested when a series of old sewage vertical cantilever pumps from Pullen finally seized-up causing foul water to pool in the building’s underground wastewater gully.

This sudden pump failure resulted in a rather unpleasant smell causing residents to contact the facilities manager, who in-turn contacted Dutypoint due to the specialist nature of the pumps involved.


One of the main challenges of this project was access.

The vertical cantilever pumps are situated in a cramped, confined space above the gravity-fed sewage gully and proved to be a complex removal process in terms of health and safety.

The next obstacle came after removing the old pump from the confined gully. As these were a non-standard pumps, we first had to properly identify the unit specifications and then organise for replacements to be specially made in Italy to the same exact criteria.


Understanding the urgency of the pumps and the associated health and safety risks around septicity, we were able to organise a dedicated courier to drive the 900 miles to collect the replacement pumps from the Italian factory and delivered them to site within 22 hours of being manufactured.

The replacement pumps were a perfect fit and were quickly installed by MetroMech team without any problems.

Dutypoint turn up the pressure at Baltimore Tower

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 26 January 2019
Dutypoint turn up the pressure at Baltimore Tower


Working on a high-rise luxury residential tower development in the heart of London’s Docklands, established mechanical and electrical contractors Ampsail Ltd, sought the help of pump system manufacturer Dutypoint.

Lloyd Preston, Dutypoint Divisional Manager, explains how they worked together to design a cost-effective, bespoke solution to deliver the complex water pressure demands of the building.

Ampsail, working with M&E consultants Mendick Waring and award-winning property development company Galliard Homes, were designing the mechanical system for the new ‘landmark for luxury living’, Baltimore Tower, a 44 storey development that rises prominently in Canary Wharf’s skyline.

Dutypoint was invited to join a discussion with the design engineer working on the Baltimore Tower development. Given the contractor’s familiarity with Dutypoint through previous projects, the team was asked to use their specialist expertise to help them design the tower’s water pressure boosting system.


With 44 storeys between the lower basement level and the penthouse suites, maintaining good water pressure throughout the building would be a significant task.

The original specification suggested using six pump sets to provide sufficient water pressure throughout the building.

Yet thanks to Dutypoint’s expert technical knowledge, the team instead suggested a mains cold water system with three booster sets. This solution would be capable of delivering high pressure to the top floor more than 130 metres above ground level.

To achieve this, one of the three booster sets had to be PN25 rated, meaning it would be able to withstand operational pressures of up to 25 bar, but the associated pipework, valves and fittings would also need to mirror this capability. The intricacies of specifying high-pressure pipes and fittings is something that Dutypoint understands and was able to work directly with pump manufacturer, Xylem and Mendick Waring to create the bespoke solution required.


The expertise within Dutypoint’s technical team coupled with its comprehensive product knowledge and an understanding of complex water management issues, meant that Ampsail was able to enhance the value proposition of the project by increasing efficiency whilst reducing overall costs. This was made possible because they were able to achieve the requisite pressure using half the number of booster systems.

The financial and operational benefits of working with a company with such a breadth of technical know-how and the ability to specify bespoke pumping systems to achieve the high specification at a reduced capital cost are clear.

The benefits were immediate, and far reaching, because Dutypoint’s specialist experience in projects of this nature enabled the most efficient and cost effective solution to be delivered.


VMV3 Ultra-Compact Variable Speed Cold Water Booster Set 

The WRAS approved VMV is a versatile, high-performance booster set constructed with premium components and a strict adherence to quality standards.

The modular design of the VMV range has been specially developed to allow consultants and contractors to tailor the set to the installation. The modular pipe work design and multiple control panel locations create a huge number of permutations; for example the four-pump VMV4 has 15,876 possible layout combinations. As each set is assembled to order, specifiers can tailor a booster set to the precise project requirements. The VMV can be delivered for on-site assembly if required.

VMV Booster sets are available in this range with two to eight pumps and are WRAS approved with a choice of Lowara, Grundfos, Ebara and Wilo pumps.

Going underground in Knightsbridge

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 3 January 2019
Going underground in Knightsbridge


The Project Crown development at 39-40 Lowndes Square, Knightsbridge, involved the demolition, re-construction and final internal fit out of eight luxury residential apartments over seven floors and a subterranean basement.

Dutypoint were involved in the design and delivery of a pre-packaged pump station for foul water and storm water attenuation installed below the basement slab.


Dutypoint were brought on to this project very late, and due to restrictions on discharge rates still being worked through with Thames Water, the programme became very tight. Dutypoint worked to a very tight and challenging schedule to successfully deliver the pre-packaged pump system within just a few days of receiving the order.

Working closely with McLaren Construction, Dutypoint needed to conform with particularly stringent flow restrictions imposed by Thames Water.


The pre-packaged pump station developed by Dutypoint provided a bespoke solution to exceed the requirements of the client, and was delivered on time to a site with extremely restricted access, causing very little disruption to the build project.

A guide to domestic pressure boosting

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 2 January 2019
A guide to domestic pressure boosting

Water companies in the UK are constantly under pressure from authorities to reduce their leakage figures. One of the key ways of doing this, and a cheaper alternative to actually fixing leaks, is to reduce the supply domestic water pressure in the system.

It’s simple, it there is less pressure, then there is less leakage.

But what about our water pressure at home? Don’t we pay our water companies enough to provide us with decent water pressure? Well the answer is; not really.

Water companies are obliged to provide us with an uninterrupted supply of clean, potable (drinkable) water which is free from dangerous substances at a minimum static pressure of 0.7 bar.

0.7 bar is not a lot of pressure.

When you think of a really good shower that you’ve perhaps had at a hotel, the pressure is generally over 2 bar. Also, you may find that your water pressure is fine when you have just one shower on in your house, but as soon as someone turns on the tap elsewhere, it drops significantly.

Disappointing domestic water pressure is a growing complaint for homeowners, especially for the increasing trend for rain-head showers. However, water companies in the UK are under no obligation to increase your water pressure if you have the statuary 0.7 bar (which normally isn’t enough for most combi-boilers to operate efficiently).

So the only real option for home owners wanting to increase their pressure, is to install pump system. However, it is very important to select the correct system for your property.

Looking for a solution to help the water pressure in your residential building? Speak to our team today to see which of our systems is right for you.

Tricky cellar installation at a country retreat

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 1 January 2019
Tricky cellar installation at a country retreat


A major refurbishment program of a secluded 5 bedroom Grade II listed home dating from the 17th century that required boosted water supply to support the additional demand.


The challenge came from installing the water system in the plant room, situated in a small cellar with greatly restricted access, via a very narrow twisting staircase.


Dutypoint provided our ScubaTANK all in one tank and pump solution to provide consistent and reliable boosted water for the entire property over 3 floors, including 5 bathrooms. The ScubaTANK provided the perfect solution as it’s half the size of other alternative systems. It was also supplied in sections* to allow easy access through tight spaces. The entire system was delivered and installed in just a few hours.

*Two piece horizontally split tank option for situations where access is restricted.

The Fisheries, London

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 19 December 2018
The Fisheries


Formally known as the Old Fish Processing Factory at London Fields, the scheme consists of a newly refurbished six storey building including 31 residential apartments and 25,000 sq. ft of commercial space. Dutypoint were engaged on this project to design and supply the rain water harvesting system to collect rainwater from the roof and pump grey water to the toilets in the building.


Dutypoint were brought onto the project very late in the programme, with the demolition phase already complete and the refurbishment work well underway. The contractor required immediate installation to minimise disruption and reduce any downtime to keep the project on track. Our team worked with the main contractor, project manager, structural engineer, M&E engineers and contractors, groundwork contractors and civil consultants to design a complete packaged pump solution.

The system included an underground rainwater collection tank, filters, and our ScubaTANK® cold water boosting system, to provide the entire building with adequate water pressure, even at times of maximum usage. As the project was mid-build we needed to provide an adapted system to allow for ease of delivery and to fit the restricted space available.


Our pre-packaged unit reduced installation times on site and the flexibility of our polyethylene tanks allowed us to adapt our designs to meet the specific requirements and challenging installation conditions of the project. With a wealth of experience and product knowledge, Dutypoint approached the specific issues of the project to design and deliver every element of the system within a very tight time frame and ensure the client’s requirements were provided on time.

New pipes, pumps and valves for Sainsbury’s Brentwood, Essex.

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 17 December 2018
New pipes


Sainsbury’s supermarket in the busy town centre of Brentwood, Essex, recently underwent a massive redevelopment to provide additional car parking with direct access to the store.

This project required the ground level car park to be reconfigured, demolition of the existing multi-storey car park and then the construction of a new larger multi-story carpark.

Dutypoint were called to site by the main contractor, AD Bly, to investigate the current storm water pump station and provide a solution to meet the surface water drainage demands of the new car park area and multi-story car park building.


The existing surface water pump station for the ground level car park had fallen out of operation due to lack of regular maintenance and required a complete overhaul to meet the drainage demands of the new car park.

The construction of the new multi-story car park also required a new dedicated surface water pump system.


Following a site survey, Dutypoint specified new pumps, pipework and valves to refurbish the existing pump station to deal with surface water from the new ground level car park.

In addition, Dutypoint supplied a complete packaged pump station for the new multi-storey car park. The team worked closely with the contracts manager and also the building, surface and civil contractors to minimise any disruption to the build schedule or Sainsbury’s customers.

This cross-functional involvement ensured that project was executed in a manner which allowed the store to continue trading.

The delivery and installation was managed within specific time-lines co-ordinated with other on-site contractors, and the additional pre-built packaged pump station was installed quickly in the new car park area – saving considerable time on site.

Optimise installed at ‘NHS healthy new town’ Barton Park, Oxford

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 13 November 2018
Optimise installed at 'NHS healthy new town' Barton Park

Barton Park – Oxford

Barton Park in Oxfordshire is a housing development project from housing developers Hill Ltd. Set in the picturesque countryside, close to its bustling city centre, the site is filled 237 properties which range from one bedroom modern apartments to spacious, detached family houses. Furthermore, project has recently been chosen as one of the NHS’s ten ‘healthy new towns’ that will test creative solutions for health.

Having already specified our ScubaTANK combined tank and pump booster sets for a number of properties on the site, Hill asked Dutypoint to consult on the underground packaged plant-room also needed for the project. Due to the ongoing costs and safety issues associated with underground plant rooms, Hill was keen to install a product that would be in keeping with its eco-friendly theme.

Rising to the challenge

After a full site survey, the engineering team at Dutypoint were able to install an Optimise underground packaged plant room system. This innovative steel-framed system is clad in a hollow plastic shuttering that is later filled with concrete. This not only adds to the structural integrity of the room but also removes the need for costly, and often time-consuming, concrete backfilling.

The unit was also constructed off-site, enabling it to be simply craned into place, connected up to the relevant services and then sealed off. This in turn drastically reduced any potential safety risks and disturbance to residents or wildlife.

Another key feature of the Optimise system is its fully integrated staircase which helps to overcome common health and safety issues regarding working in confined spaces. Furthermore, the system also includes a built-in raised floor that acts as an emergency water storage tank, known as a ‘bund’, to further reduce any safety risks with the room flooding.

Lastly, the modular design of the plant room also meant that a number of these units could be connected together to create a wide range of room configurations. This flexibility enables the facility to be scaled up as the development expands in an effort to future-proof the system.

The plant room was delivered to the site and installed by Hill Ltd Contracts in line with the redevelopment build schedule and later commissioned by the team at Dutypoint to ensure the unit was operating correctly.

Click here to find out more about Optimise Underground Packaged Plant Rooms

Underground Packaged Plant Rooms: A lesson in safety

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 12 November 2018
Underground Packaged Plant Rooms: A lesson in safety

Underground Packaged Plant Rooms:

A lesson in safety

Barton Park is a 94 acre residential-led scheme to the north-east of Oxford, England. The development includes plans to build up to 885 new homes, a primary school, food store, community hub and park. (Barton Park Oxford, Grosvenor)

Named as a one of the NHS’s ‘healthy new towns’, a nationwide project aiming to shape the health of communities and to rethink how health and care services can be delivered, it is being built as a sustainable, green community.

Taking on the development for the project, housebuilder Hill Residential were committed to keeping all aspects of the project eco-friendly, safe and up to the best standards.

With a development this size, the infrastructure is crucial to ensure all of the houses get the services they need and further to this, each house needs the right water pressure, which in this case meant adding water boosters to the infrastructure along with the accompanying tanks.

To hide all of this infrastructure and equipment out of sight, Hill chose to go down the route of an underground plant room.

Usually classified as confined space working environments due to the size and way they are accessed, underground plant rooms can be risky places to work in:

“Working in a confined space is dangerous because of the risks from noxious fumes, reduced oxygen levels, or a risk of fire. Other dangers may include flooding/drowning or asphyxiation from some other source such as dust, grain or other contaminant.” (Working on confined spaces, HSE)

For developers, safety is a key concern on any project. With construction still contributing a large proportion of workplace fatal injuries (38 of 144 in 2017/18), developers are often looking for ways to balance the best possible build outcome and the safety of those working onsite.

In order to keep the balance, a traditional underground plant room didn’t seem like the best option for this project as explained by Laurie Pomeroy, the sales manager for Dutypoint:

“One of the challenges of the underground system is this confined space – it is the challenge. You’ve got to be fully confined space trained to even go down into the room.”

This adds significant cost to the project, hiring specially trained engineers and the required equipment quickly adds up, especially when you have to do this 4-5 times a year for maintenance.

“It’s not only maintenance, if your booster set failed, if you suddenly had no water to the houses, you couldn’t even send anyone down there. You’d have to wait to book a visit for two people and all the equipment”

Taking these dangers and costs into account, Hill considered the alternatives and options, asking Dutypoint to consult on the challenges being faced with the plant room.

The solution was a new type of underground packaged plant room that removes the need for confined space working, making it a safer and in the long-run, most cost effective.

Dutypoint’s Optimise product, an underground packaged plant room, includes specific safety features to mitigate all risks, including:

  • A full-length entry hatch
  • full-size integrated staircase
  • safety warning beacons
  • emergency floodwater storage

The integrated staircase is a major element for overcoming the common health and safety issues of underground plant rooms and when combined with the built-in raised-floor which acts as an emergency water storage tank, known as a ‘bund’, Optimise is a safer option than any other off-site manufactured underground plant room.

Optimise installed at Kelling Heath holiday park

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 9 November 2018
commercial plant rooms supplied by dutypoint

Project Summary

Dutypoint were asked to specify an underground packaged plant room for the Kelling Heath woodland holiday park as part of their site redevelopment project.

Kelling Heath Holiday Park is located on the North Norfolk coastline between the market towns of Sheringham and Holt.

Project Challenge

Although there are already a number of underground packaged pump stations on the market, the challenge came from creating a viable solution for overcoming the common health and safety issues of working with confined spaces. Another common problem with this type of installation is the associated civil engineering cost of ensuring there is sufficient concrete on and around the buried tank to keep it from naturally rising to the surface.

Project Solution

After a full site survey, the engineering team at Dutypoint were able to specify a full system installed within an Optimise UPPR-305 underground packaged plant room.

The system comprises a twin pump, variable speed cold water booster set and a 7000 litre potable water storage cistern.

Once on-site, the steel-framed unit can be lifted onto a pre-prepared concrete base.

Concrete is poured into the permanent formwork and the excavation is back filled.

The plant room includes a fully integrated staircase to overcome the confined space issue and has a raised floor built in to act as an emergency water storage bund. The modular design of the plant-room also allows a number of these units to be connected together to create a wide range of room configurations – giving the option of housing both fresh and waste water plant machinery and moving away from the traditional above-ground commercial plant rooms.

“The engineering team were able to specify an Optimise UPPR-305 underground plant room with a twin pump booster set and 7000 litre potable water storage cistern. These steel-framed units are lifted onto a pre-prepared concrete base, concrete is poured into the permanent framework and the excavation is back filled.”

Coal Drops Yard at Kings Cross

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 26 October 2018
Coal Drops Yard at Kings Cross

Built in the 1850’s, the Coal Drops at Kings Cross station in London were originally designed for receiving and sorting coal as it arrived is from the north of England by train.

Today the site is has been transformed into a modern retail district as part of a major landmark redevelopment project by Argent Services LLP.

Due to the complexity of the project and the variety of services required, we worked closely with the architectural firm, Heatherwick Studio, to select all the items required for a fully integrated packaged pump solution.

The package included a VR3 booster set, a Cat-5 ScubaTANK, a pressurisation set and three LTHW circulator pumps mounted on a pre-packaged skid. This skid included a variety of elements from a suction header, flushing points, gauges, pump suction guides, isolation valves, non-return valves, commissioning valve sets and the flow header. All of this was fitted on anti-vibration mounts and included stainless steel pipework.

We worked closely with the Heatherwick Studio design team and provided the drawings in 3D format as they were designing the plant space with computer aided design software. Pipe dimensions were also designed and manufactured to millimetre tolerances to suit the contractor’s plant layouts and allow for a safe passage into the restricted-access plant room.

Further-more, in order to reduce time and help reduce installation costs and safety risks, a large and complicated section of the plant room was manufactured off-site. This in-turn helped keep any associated build schedule disruption to a minimum.

For more information, visit  www.coaldropsyard.com

Stable Street, Kings Cross, London N1C 4AB

How combining essential plant equipment is tackling the skills shortage in construction.

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 8 October 2018
How combining essential plant equipment is tackling the skills shortage in construction.

Skills Shortage in Construction

Challenge: As the average age of the skilled construction workforce increases1 and the influx of skilled labour from outside the
UK decreases2, our industry will inevitably face a skills shortage in the coming years. Training and development of
existing employees is of course critical, but can be costly. In many cases, tasks associated with equipment such as
control panels, electrical supplies, monitoring equipment, base plates and mounts are duplicated where there is
scope for them to be combined, thus saving on material and labour costs.

Solution: By combining essential plant equipment which would normally be installed separately, significant savings can be
made. Manufacturers aware of the impending skills shortage can offer opportunities to decrease the number of
skilled on-site hours required for a given project. Pre-packaged systems require significantly fewer labour hours to
install and commission.

Water Scarcity and Wastage

Challenge: In recent weeks, UK water companies have been enduring a rare national water shortage due to the unusually warm
weather. Although many assume this is comparatively rare, the South-East has become a water-stressed region3.
This is due to the rising population, increased water demand from luxury properties and the relatively low rainfall in
the region. According to Ofwat, over 3 billion litres of treated, potable water leaks from pipes across the UK supply
network every day4 (in the USA the figure is estimated to be over 22 billion litres5 – this is not a problem unique to the
UK). The water companies are being put under pressure to reduce these figures drastically – and they are gradually
succeeding – but given global water scarcity6, we must do our part as an industry to ensure water is used efficiently
and responsibly. We must also balance the considerations of potable water safety and avoiding excessive usage. One
of the issues identified is the increasing propensity to treat hard water with salt and other chemicals to achieve soft
water. Although this has energy-saving benefits, it inevitably increases the concentration of these chemicals in water
generally which will eventually affect natural habitats and make natural water harder to treat7.

Solution: Electromagnetic water conditioners are the ecological solution as they treat the water without introducing harmful
chemicals. Instead, these devices treat the water by altering the crystalline structures of the calcium carbonate in
the water to make them less adhesive rather than breaking them down altogether. This also means that the drinking
quality of the water is maintained following the treatment to separate drinkable supplies are not required.
In addition, there are no chemicals to replenish and cost savings are achievable.


1The Farmer Review of the UK Construction Labour Model – Mark Farmer, October 2016
2Home Office figures as cited in The Times, 28 March 2018
3Water stressed areas – final classification – Environment Agency, July 2013
4Water, water everywhere? Delivering a resilient water system – Consumer Council for Water, December 2017
5State of the water industry – American Water Works Association, March 2016
67 reasons we’re facing a global water crisis – World Resources Institute, 24 August 2017
7Alternative regenerant for softening water – Dr K Polizotto & Dr C Harms, University of Wisconsin, December 2001.

VR with EC.

Ultra-compact cold water booster set with integral electromagnetic water conditioner.

The VR range of twin and triple pump booster sets are designed to produce maximum performance within a minimum floor area. Built to an impressive specification, with extensive use of stainless steel throughout, the exceptionally compact footprint completely contains the pumps, pressure vessels, manifolds, valves and control panel. BMS volt free contact, soft start, low level protection and surge protection are standard features.

Offsite construction and the packaged utility room.

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 28 September 2018
Packaged Utility Room Logo

Safety First and Last

Challenge: Safety no longer just refers to the safety of contractors on site – as important as this is – but safety of the installed system throughout its life cycle, right up to the disposal stage, when the product is finally decommissioned and removed. Specifiers have a growing responsibility to ensure that safety is maintained during the installation, operation and end of life of a system . When pressure is put on a specifier to accept an alternative solution, how confident can they be that the alternative not only performs as well as the specified equipment but is just as safe to install, just as safe throughout its lifespan and just as safe and environmentally-sound at the disposal stage?

As a nation, we recently marked the first anniversary of the shocking events of the Grenfell Tower Fire. With the public enquiry now in progress, as an industry we must constantly remind ourselves of our responsibility to ensure buildings are safe throughout their entire lifespan – both for contractors and the occupants.

Solution: Pre-packaged solutions allow specifiers to retain full control of the specification of system. System manufacturers have the capability to oversee the sourcing, assembly, documentation and testing of a complete system in a controlled factory environment rather than a challenging and variable on-site environment.

Space Race

Challenge: One of the many challenges of urban development is creating comfortable dwellings within increasingly tight footprints – maximising the developer’s revenue whilst providing all the essential services to the occupier. Architects are under pressure to deliver habitable, revenue-generating space, whilst being required to do a greater volume of work by clients demanding lower fees. M&E designers are under pressure to deliver high performance and efficiency within constrained floor spaces.

A recent innovation brought about by various larger M&E contractors is the introduction of the packaged utility cupboard – a prefabricated pod which is completed in an off-site facility and transported to be installed as a complete unit. However, these continue to create dead space in space-constrained residential developments – they are often made with inexpensive materials in an effort to save on costs. The quality of fit and finish does not compare to the luxurious fittings required in many new developments.

Solution: In contrast to the utilitarian packaged utility cupboard, the packaged utility room not only incorporates all the essential services required within a dwelling, but also creates a usable space for the occupier with a space for a washing machine and a worktop. It also offers a quality of fit and finish which is in keeping with the rest of the project. Packaged utility rooms can be offered with a myriad of customisations or alternatively designers can take advantage of standard-sized units. The ability to simply allow for a required space greatly simplifies the design process, saving valuable time. The benefits for the contractor are also clear – the co-ordination of multiple skilled workers in a tight space causes significant challenges for M&E contractors. With this essential work completed and quality-controlled offsite, the contractor can make significant savings.

Top 5 things we get asked by estimators

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 5 September 2018
Top 5 things we get asked by estimators

Dutypoint Know-How for Estimators

An Estimator, sometimes known as a cost engineer, is in charge of working out how much it will cost for a company to supply products and services to its clients. Working out the price of every item required for a project can be a headache at times – So in order to help ensure you’re getting the answers you need when you need them, we have put together the top 5 questions estimators ask again and again.

1 “What product would you recommend for a new building or a block of apartments with ‘x’ amount of showers, toilets and kitchens?”

In order to answer this question with the most accurate and appropriate booster set for your project, we first need to confirm some other bits of information.

  • How many floors does the building have?
  • What is the proposed location of the booster set and are there any space or access restrictions?

Both these facts play a massive roll in the selecting the correct booster set for your project. The next thing we need to know is not only the number of water outlets the building has, but also the type. This normally refers to showers, as luxury high-flow rain-head showers require far more pressure and flow than standard units. If you are unsure of any of aspects of the project, we are more than happy to arrange a site visit*

*Subject to your project time-scales and the site location.

2 “Can you give me a price over the phone now for a XXX?”

Yes – but often it works out better for us to call you back because we might be able to offer you quantity breaks and various other discounts.

3 “Can you email me a quote for an ‘x’ product for ‘x’ project?”

We pride ourselves on our track record to provide quotes quickly and sent back within 24 hours of the enquiry – This can be sooner if specifically requested or scheduled for closer to your tender date.

If you are tendering for a project, it is always better to let us know the dead-line that you’re working to, that way we can do our best to make sure you get all the information you need, when you need it.

4 “What is the standard lead-time for your products?”

Standard booster sets (including ScubaTANKs) are 2-4 weeks. Bespoke booster and tank units can typically be 4-8 weeks after final drawing approval. Often, if an exact delivery date is specified at the time of order, we can adjust our build schedule to suit yours, so that no time is wasted on-site.

5 “Have you already had an enquiry for the ‘x’ project?”

Although we are not at liberty to discuss specifics with you, it’s often the case that we get as many as 20 enquiries for the same project. In these cases we can provide you with a copy quote within a few hours of enquiring.

We’re here to help…

We have been involved in a wide range of projects including small domestic developments, high rise residential, hotels, commercial and industrial properties, highways and education. Whether it’s a basic pump station or a complex bespoke system, we help you create a solution for your specific project!

How to select the right booster set

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 1 August 2018
Three Booster Sets

There are lots of things we all take for granted. Having running, clean water is one; having running, clean water that flows effortlessly is another.

Low water pressure is something that many people believe is just down to bad luck. However, there are certain things we can do to transform a pathetic trickle of a shower into a revitalising cascade of water, for example. One of those things is installing a booster set.

What is a booster set?

The technical answer to this question is that it is a multi-pump skid-mounted system comprising:

  • Normally two or more pumps, commonly with variable speed drives.
  • Manifolds, valves and expansion vessels.
  • Control gear, sensors and BMS interface system.

The less technical answer is: a pump with pressure control, which automatically maintains a constant pressure in the system.

The main use for a booster set is to pressurise drinking water within the built environment or the mains water network, but booster sets are also used for irrigation, car washes, water treatment systems, industrial processes and fire suppression systems.

How does a booster set work?

The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 are designed to reduce water waste, misuse and contamination. These regulations do not allow water to be pumped directly from the mains at more than 12 litres/min.

So, in a building where the incoming supply is insufficient to meet demand, the mains supply feeds into a storage tank where it is stored at atmospheric pressure before being pumped around the system by the booster set.

Within the mains water network, booster sets pump directly from a pressurised main (rather than a tank) to give the pressure a real ‘boost’.

Booster sets often incorporate a back-up or standby pump to ensure an uninterrupted supply in the event of a pump failure.

Why are booster sets important?

Compared to other European countries, the UK consumes an incredibly high volume of water every day (around 150 litres per person). The combination of population growth and urban development means this demand for water is not going away and we must do everything we can to improve the situation.

Selecting the right booster set is a vital part of the solution. Because they only deliver the required pressure when it is needed, variable speed booster sets can offer energy savings of up to 50% compared with traditional booster sets. Not only is this good news for the environment, it also means cost savings, too.

But that’s not all; additional benefits of intelligent control  include dry-run protection, longer life span of parts (such as motor bearings) and the pump itself, as well as a significantly reduced footprint of the applications (large expansion tanks are not required).

How to select a booster set

Our focus on energy conservation means it is more important than ever to select the right booster set for the job, and this means identifying key data.

Calculated normal demand flow rate: It is up to the system designer to calculate how many taps, showers etc. are to be fitted. Operational diversity (how many systems are likely to be used at once) can be referred against industry standards (such as CIBSE).

Calculated peak demand flow rate: What are the likely scenarios specific to the project? For example, in a rugby club the showers are likely to be used simultaneously, whereas in an hotel, shower usage will be more staggered.

Static height difference between supply tank water level and highest outlet on the system: This is simply the physical measurement between the water level in the storage tank feeding the booster set and the shower or tap on the top floor of the building.

Required pressure at the highest outlet: The system designer will determine the pressure required at the highest point in a building. For example, a 3-storey town house may need at least 3.0 bar pressure to satisfactorily operate a rainhead shower on the top floor. Adding the required pressure figure to the static height and friction loss figure (see below) gives the duty head pressure required.

Friction losses at peak flow rates: This is important if there is any doubt about the size of the interconnecting pipework. If the pipework is too small there will be a significant drop in pressure through the system.

Percentage of pump redundancy required for emergency or maintenance cover at peak demand: Depending on the flow rate specified, the total duty flow could be covered by a single pump or equally spread over two or more pumps. For the latter (each pumping 50% of the peak flow rate required), a third pump would provide 50% redundancy. This means that if one pump failed, the other two could operate successfully at peak demand.

On virtually every project, assumptions will have to be made about this data. This tends to result in over-specification of data to be absolutely sure that the pump system will cope with the demand.


Variable speed booster sets can be used to great effect in homes, hospitals, schools, offices and industrial development sites. This technology is ahead of its time and can help deliver the exact requirements of the end user.

Today’s booster sets can maximise efficiency, minimise water use and cut energy consumption – and they can be retrofitted. If you would like more information about which booster set is right for your next project, contact the team at Dutypoint.

Issues to consider when installing underground

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 19 April 2018
Issues to consider when installing underground

When it comes to installing equipment underground, there are a number of key things that you need to take into consideration…

Ground water
Ground water is an important to bear in mind when installing any system underground. The system should not only be designed to withstand the pressure of groundwater against the base and walls, but also to counter flotation. The Optimise is designed to withstand ground water up to cover level, thus providing a reliable, safe underground room even in the harshest of ground conditions.

Ground type
Due to the 100% self-supporting structural design of the Optimise, it can be installed in any type of ground.
Loading requirements
The location of the underground plant room and the nature of what will be passing above should be considered. The structural steel frame and cover design can be adjusted to your specific load rating requirement.

Water Ingress
As with any underground space, waterproofing is a very important factor to consider. The Optimise utilises innovative modular PVC concrete shuttering system which provides a 100% waterproof barrier once filled with concrete. As a back-up precaution, a fixed twin sump pump arrangement with electrode level control is installed within the under-floor bund sump to remove any water ingress or water spill.

Where man entry is required, an adequate ventilation system must be provided to ensure safe respiration and the efficient removal of any hazardous gasses. The Optimise includes a forced ventilation system as well as a gas detection and warning light system. This provides reliable and simple information of the status of air within the room, upon initial access cover lift.

Tank Spill
Tank spills within an underground plant space can cause drowning hazard if the correct precautions have not been designed into the system. The Optimise incorporates a full bund to at least the full tank capacity, directly underneath the steel grid floor. The fixed sump pump installation then pumps away any water to drainage.

Safe Access
Most underground plant systems will require a confined space 2 man entry. The Optimise has been designed specifically with safety and convenience in mind. It incorporates a full size stair case with handrail which removes the requirement of a ‘Top man’ and makes it easy to carry tools and equipment in and out. This not only proves a lower risk entry but saves cost on servicing and maintenance engineers.

Optimise; The cost effective, safe, efficient and fully integrated water system plant room solution.

The Dutypoint OPTIMISE Underground packaged pl­ant room provides a cost-effective, safe and efficient solution to pl­ant room space, and for installing water systems underground. By combining industry-leading technologies, Dutypoint can offer a system which overcomes many of the challenges associated with underground p­lant rooms, with lower overall costs, unique safety features* and ease of maintenance. (*Patent applied for)

Introducing Laurie Pomeroy – Dutypoint Sales Manager

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 9 March 2018
Introducing Laurie Pomeroy - Dutypoint Sales Manager

M&E division sales manager, Laurie Pomeroy is committed to delivering the very best in customer service. We talk to him about what working at Dutypoint means to him – and what a post-Brexit future may hold for the company.

What is your role at Dutypoint?

I head up the Divisional Sales Team that focuses on selling to the mechanical and electrical sector.  As well as managing the team, I try to spend as much time as possible in contact with customers and provide extra assistance on more complex projects. Keeping a direct line of communication with our customers helps me better understand their requirements and the sector as a whole.

What were you doing before you joined Dutypoint?

I joined the Dutypoint Team in 2008. Before that I was working in the sales department of a company called Presco selling presentation products to the print trade. Somewhere in between I also had a brief stint selling fire extinguishers, but when the opportunity came up at Dutypoint it was impossible to refuse.

What has been your proudest moment at Dutypoint?

This is difficult to pick but an occasion comes to mind when I was working in the repair and distribution team. It was a Friday and I received an enquiry for an urgent breakdown at a university – if they didn’t have a replacement pump by Monday they would have to send people home.

We struggled to find a suitable pump – and when we did it was in Austria. As if that wasn’t bad enough we then discovered we’d missed the deadline for same-day delivery. However, determined not to be defeated we organised a dedicated vehicle to collect the pump and it was delivered to the uni on Monday morning.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I would have to say that it’s the time I spend with the rest of my team. We have particularly enthusiastic sales meetings which are always good fun – as well as being highly productive. I also enjoy going out on joint visits to our customers.

How does Dutypoint differentiate itself from competitors?

As a company, we can offer a wide range of products to our clients, including totally bespoke packages. I also believe that our dedication to providing on-time customer service is another factor which undoubtedly sets us apart from the rest.

Why is charitable giving so important to Dutypoint?

From what I have observed, there is a culture that runs throughout the company focused on giving to the less advantaged. This creates a positive attitude that impacts the whole organisation – and beyond.

What does the future hold for Dutypoint?

The future looks very promising! Dutypoint has invested in both people and innovation in order to stay ahead in the market – not just now, but in the future too. We are aware that Brexit has created a certain amount of uncertainty in the marketplace, but we’re not letting that daunt us.

Dutypoint Commission Large Pumping Station in the West Midlands

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 1 February 2018
Dutypoint Commission Large Pumping Station in the West Midlands

With the recent construction of a large manufacturing facility in the West Midlands, Dutypoint were asked to design a wet-well solution, to address the high water table on site, and protect a series of underground pits with critical plant machinery installed in them.

As the water table on site is very high, it required high-power 30KW pumps, to successfully move the large volumes of water present to a purpose built storage lagoon. From there, the excess water would be slowly released back to a nearby canal using a specially designed flow control valve housed in an underground chamber between the lagoon and canal.

Dutypoint worked closely with the consultant to provide a hydraulically designed solution for the client. This included the design of the wet well chamber, the rising main and the headwall to handle around 1000l/per second of water which is fed by a large network of underground drainage pipes across the site.

Dutypoint carried out the full mechanical and electrical install working closely with the contractor who carried out all of the concrete construction. Further-more, by using Dutypoint’s new state-of-the-art PLC control interface, the pump station could be monitored remotely, enabling our service team to closely monitor and adjust the performance of the pump station as needed.

Introducing Tim Eagle

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 8 January 2018
Introducing Tim Eagle

Tim Eagle is highly experienced in the world of pumping technology. We talk to him to find out more about his role and his vision for the company.

What’s your role at Dutypoint?

I work in the Construction & Utilities team where I cover all technical sales for the various projects being managed by the team. I provide the technical advice and support to meet our clients’ needs when choosing from our wide range of products. I guess in some ways I am a technical encyclopaedia for our clients.

What were you doing before you joined Dutypoint?

I was working for a company called Broadway Systems as their Technical Sales Director. Last year, Broadway Systems merged with Dutypoint as part of a wider strategy to improve both the company’s product offering and the quality of customer service. The merger achieved both of those objectives and I took on a more varied role as a result.

What has been your most rewarding moment at Dutypoint?

I would say securing an order for a pumping system worth six figures for a large 750 litres/second pump station on the A1 Gateshead Roundabout junction is probably my most exciting moment since joining Dutypoint. It was a big project that needed a considerable amount of pumping expertise. I put a huge amount of time and effort into making sure the technology fulfilled the brief – and it paid off in the end.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I really enjoy innovating. The different projects I am involved with present a whole range of challenges. It is my job to identify solutions to those challenges and that means being innovative and always thinking one step ahead. I also enjoy providing a solution for each of our customers that is completely unique. No two projects are ever the same, and that keeps us all on our toes.

How does Dutypoint differentiate itself from competitors?

At Dutypoint we have a strong team of very experienced engineers in the pump industry. As a result, we are able to offer a highly bespoke service to provide built off-site packages. Not only does this save contractors time and money on site, it also helps eliminate many health and safety issues.

Why is charitable giving so important to Dutypoint?

Giving is a very important focus for us. As a company we are committed to offering care and compassion to people in times of need. Charitable giving has become part of our company culture and we are all involved in making donations – whether financial or otherwise.

What does the future hold for Dutypoint?

The future for Dutypoint is all about providing a complete range of off-site pumping packages for all types of applications – from drinking water to sewage. As a company we want to continue to grow and expand our offering, while never losing sight of our commitment to customer service and innovation.

Solving the wet wipes issue through pump specification

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 11 August 2017
Solving the wet wipes issue through pump specification

By working closely with the building services sector, we can help them to better understand the benefits of ensuring pumps are specified correctly from the outset. This in turn has potential to have a knock-on effect for the entire sewer system, with benefits for utilities companies which have so far borne the brunt of the hugely damaging effects that ‘flushable’ wet wipes continue to cause.  

Wet wipes are a major problem in mixed use buildings where there is very limited control on what the occupants put into the foul water system. The wipes are made of a non-woven fabric similar to the type used in nappies and tumble dryer sheets. At surface level, while this is easy and convenient, in the depths of a building’s infrastructure this is causing serious damage and huge maintenance bills.

‘Flushable’ wet wipes are particularly problematic in relation to pumping systems, with issues ranging from a drop in optimal performance to complete systems failures caused by blockages. In a worst case scenario, these failures can lead to the closure of buildings and very high maintenance and repair costs.

These problems are heightened in public buildings, student accommodation, conference, sports and leisure facilities, social housing complexes, schools and universities where the building’s water systems are particularly open to mis-use and abuse.

Wet Wipes in Student Accommodation, Southampton: Case Study

In one such case, a student accommodation block in Southampton was suffering from repeated blockages and poor system performance despite numerous warnings and notices to the occupants highlighting the problem caused by flushing away wet wipes. The storage tank in a 45,000 litre foul water pumping station was repeatedly flooding and after several hours investigating through the night, the pumps were discovered to be totally blocked and burnt out.

It is unusual for this to happen but the system was cleaned out and found to be full of wet wipes which had caused the pumps to stop working. Replacements were soon installed so that the building could continue to operate with minimum downtime but the fault occurred again. The system had flooded and upon further investigation and removal of the pumps, wet wipes were once again found to be the cause of the problem.

The original pumps supplied had a 80mm solids handling capacity which is generally perfectly adequate for foul water applications. The specification was increased to 100mm for the replacement pumps, but when the problem persisted, it was only resolved by installing heavy duty submersible pumps with knife blade cutters. In instances where there is an unusually high volume of wet wipes entering the system, this is the only way to breakdown the wipes and stop them from clogging up the system. The cost of finding a problem-free solution was in excess of £30,000, which goes without saying, is not a cost-effective way to deal with the problem.  

“Pumps that would previously have been able to cope are no longer able to do so”

If, as there is every indication, there are going to be more and more instances of high volumes of wet wipes entering a system, there will need to be a shift in the way pumps are specified from the outset. This is crucial to help mitigate unexpected costs and ensure disruption is minimised.

As the student accommodation example illustrates, pumps that would previously have been able to cope are no longer able to do so, therefore a different approach is required at design stage. While knife blade cutters help to chop up the wipes, being able to do this before they reach the pumps is a more effective way of solving the problem. We are developing a pre-treatment, muncher system that will put less pressure on the pumping mechanism.

In the absence of either a significant behavioural change or wet wipe manufacturers changing the way the wipes are made, the emphasis is on adjusting specifications to make sure buildings can continue to operate.

Introducing Jon Padfield

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 28 July 2017
Introducing Jon Padfield from the Dutypoint team

Sales engineer Jon Padfield has been part of the Dutypoint team for several years. We catch up with him to find out more about what his role involves and why the customer will always be at the heart of everything the company does.

What is your role at Dutypoint?

I work as a sales engineer in the repair and distribution division. This means the majority of my time is spent sourcing and supplying equipment to our customers. From a spare part that needs replacing to a completely new pump for a major project, if we don’t have what the customer wants in stock we track it down for them. My role also involves identifying and specifying particular items of pumping equipment for new applications.

What were you doing before you joined Dutypoint?

I have been with Dutypoint for some time now, but prior to joining I worked for a small UK-based pump manufacturer, which specialised in boiler feed and chemical dosing. I was keen to move into a role that offered a wider range of challenges – and the job at Dutypoint fitted the bill perfectly.

What has been your proudest moment?

I can’t pinpoint one particular moment but do take an immense amount of pride in what I do and the ongoing growth of Dutypoint as a company. Everyone in the Dutypoint team works hard to give our customers what they want, and this is just one of the reasons it is such a great working environment.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I love the challenge of meeting customer needs in the most efficient, effective way possible. Every customer has different requirements, it is up to us to meet their expectations. To do this successfully we have to invest a lot of time into building, nurturing and maintaining relationships with those customers. It really is a great part of the job.

How does Dutypoint differentiate itself from competitors?

At Dutypoint, we like to think we go the extra mile in meeting the various challenges of the industry – be that supplying a single mechanical seal or a complete bespoke system. We work hard to achieve an exceptional level of customer service and the feedback we receive from our customers suggests we do it pretty well.

Why is charitable giving so important to Dutypoint?

As a company, and as a team of individuals, the principle of charitable giving keeps us grounded and focused on supporting those less fortunate than ourselves. Working with charities is ingrained into our company culture and we are all involved in making a difference.

What does the future hold for Dutypoint?

The future for Dutypoint looks to be one of continued growth through greater diversity and an increasing awareness of market requirement.

Dutypoint Element HIU

Author Lloyd Preston Calendar 4 July 2017
Dutypoint Element HIUs

What is a Heat Interface Unit?

Heat interface units (HIUs) are typically installed in properties or individual apartments within larger complexes, as part of a community heating network, to provide heating and hot water from a single central heat source.

They are an increasingly popular, energy efficient and cost effective alternative to the more traditional combi boiler. They are fully compatible with UK heating and hot water systems and use the latest tried and tested technology so are completely safe.

  • Highly efficient
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Lower installation and ongoing maintenance costs
  • No need for gas supply to each apartment
  • Ultimate control and comfort for building occupants
  • Metering solutions for individual properties or apartments
  • Flexible configurations and specifications to meet the requirements of any project
  • WRAS (Water Regulations Advisory Scheme) approved and certified safe for drinking water

The Dutypoint Difference

At Dutypoint we configure all our Element HIUs to meet the exact specifications of each project and can offer a number of options including built-in metering, wireless usage monitoring and variants for radiator based or under-floor heating.

Our experienced technical team can also provide expert advice and system design solutions with customised configurations outside our standard range to meet challenging requirements. All Element HIUs are manufactured using only the highest quality components, specifically designed for HIUs, to provide greater reliability, lower maintenance costs and a long service life.

Community Heating Networks and Heat Interface Units

Suitable for apartment buildings and community housing complexes

A central heat source delivers heating and domestic hot water energy to the entire complex, via the primary network, to individual HIUs which are situated in each residential unit.
The HIU’s plate heat exchangers then provide hot water and domestic heating to meet the demands of the occupants.

Environmentally friendly renewable energy

One of the primary considerations in modern construction is conserving energy through the use of energy-efficient plant.

Within a community heating system, hot water and heating is produced by a centralised community heating plant which is generally powered by renewable energy sources.

Building services engineers have the option to design systems for multi-dwelling complexes which can use renewable energy sources such as Combined Heat and Power (CHP), biomass, solar or heat pumps, without the need to equip each individual dwelling with its own renewable energy source.


All Element HIUs are fitted with an Ultrasonic Heat Meter as standard, to accurately record the occupants’ hot water and heating consumption so they can be billed separately for the energy they consume. The meter has an M-Bus connection to a centralised data collection platform for remote meter reading.

Greater level of luxury

Hot water can be provided on demand without the need for cylinder storage, and at a higher flow rate than a typical domestic combi boiler. Our Element HIU Systems are available at standard capacities up to 80kW, almost twice the maximum output of most domestic combi boilers (40kW). Higher capacity units can be configured to meet specific requirements.

Proportional Hydraulic Control provides a constant domestic hot water temperature, giving the building occupants ultimate comfort as the water temperature stabilises very quickly.

Highly efficient, economical on-demand control and performance

Our Element HIUs are demand-controlled so water only flows through the unit when it is required for hot water or heating, reducing heat loss and limescale build-up, resulting in significantly longer service life. The occupants of each dwelling also have full temperature control, giving greater comfort.

Reduced investment and ongoing maintenance costs

Rather than installing a building-wide gas network with numerous domestic boilers, our Element HIUs only require hydraulic connections from the central boiler plant, so are safer, easier and quicker to install and deliver significant cost savings.

As there is no gas connection and no flue pipe, ventilation routes are not required, saving further cost, and allowing for a more aesthetically pleasing building exterior. There are lower running costs and less disruption for the occupants of the building as HIUs require less ongoing maintenance than boilers. Installers do not need to be gas qualified.

Every Element HIU is supplied factory-assembled and fully tested to ensure optimum performance and reduce commissioning and maintenance time and costs.

Our Element HIUs also feature first fix connection rails so all pre-plumbing can be completed prior to installation. The HIUs therefore remain free from debris and also contractors can stipulate a later delivery and payment date to fit best with the project timeline.